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Software Engineering: A Practitioner's ApproachJanuary 2009
  • McGraw-Hill, Inc.
  • Professional Book Group 11 West 19th Street New York, NY
  • United States
Published:20 January 2009
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For almost three decades, Roger Pressman's Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach has been the world's leading textbook in software engineering. The new seventh edition represents a major restructuring and update of previous editions, solidifying the book's position as the most comprehensive guide to this important subject. The seventh edition of Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach has been designed to consolidate and restructure the content introduced over the past two editions of the book. The chapter structure will return to a more linear presentation of software engineering topics with a direct emphasis on the major activities that are part of a generic software process. Content will focus on widely used software engineering methods and will de-emphasize or completely eliminate discussion of secondary methods, tools and techniques. The intent is to provide a more targeted, prescriptive, and focused approach, while attempting to maintain SEPA's reputation as a comprehensive guide to software engineering. The book will be organized in five (5) parts-Process, Modeling, Quality Management, Project Management, and Advanced Topics. The chapter count will remain at 32, unchanged from the sixth edition. However, eight new chapters have been developed and another six chapters have undergone major or moderate revisions. The remaining chapters have undergone minor edits/updates. Table of contents1 Software and Software EngineeringPart One The Software Process2 Process Models3 Agile DevelopmentPart Two Modeling4 Principles that Guide Practice5 Understanding Requirements6 Requirements Modeling: Scenarios, Information, and Analysis Classes7 Requirements Modeling: Flow, Behavior, Patterns, and WebApps8 Design Concepts9 Architectural Design10 Component-Level Design11 User Interface Design12 Pattern-Based Design13 WebApp DesignPart Three Quality Management14 Quality Concepts15 Review Techniques16 Software Quality Assurance17 Software Testing Strategies18 Testing Conventional Applications19 Testing Object-Oriented Applications20 Testing Web Applications21 Formal Modeling and Verification22 Software Configuration Management23 Product MetricsPart Four Managing Software Projects24 Project Management Concepts25 Process and Project Metrics26 Estimation for Software Projects27 Project Scheduling28 Risk Management29 Maintenance and ReengineeringPart Five Advanced Topics 30 Software Process Improvement31 Emerging Trends in Software Engineering32 Concluding CommentsAppendix I-An Introduction to UML Appendix II-Object-Oriented Concepts

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    Souza M, Villanes I, Dias-Neto A and Endo A On the Exploratory Testing of Mobile Apps Proceedings of the IV Brazilian Symposium on Systematic and Automated Software Testing, (42-51)
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    de Aquino G and Dantas A An Agile Approach Applied to Intense Maintenance Projects Proceedings of the XV Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, (1-8)
  24. ACM
    Barroso A, de J. Prado K, Soares M and do Nascimento R How personality traits influences quality of software developed by students Proceedings of the XV Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, (1-8)
  25. Zhang M, Ali S, Yue T, Norgren R and Okariz O (2019). Uncertainty-Wise Cyber-Physical System test modeling, Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM), 18:2, (1379-1418), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2019.
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  27. ACM
    Laksono M, Budiardjo E and Ferdinansyah A Assessment of Test Maturity Model Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Software Engineering and Information Management, (110-118)
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  30. ACM
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  31. ACM
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  32. ACM
    de Lima A, de Lima L, Abe J, Gonçalves R, Alves D and Nakamatsu K Paraconsistent Annotated Logic Artificial Intelligence Study in Support of Manager Decision-making Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Business and Information Management, (154-157)
  33. ACM
    Figueroa I, García B and Leger P Towards progressive program verification in Dafny Proceedings of the XXII Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages, (90-97)
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    Losada B Flexible Requirement Development through User Objectives in an Agile-UCD Hybrid Approach Proceedings of the XIX International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, (1-8)
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  37. ACM
    Russo D, Taccogna G, Ciancarini P, Messina A and Succi G Contracting agile developments for mission critical systems in the public sector Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Society, (47-56)
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    Honig W, Noda N and Takada S (2016). Lack of Attention to Singular (or Atomic) Requirements Despite Benefits for Quality, Metrics and Management, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 41:4, (1-5), Online publication date: 19-Aug-2016.
  50. Parthasarathy S and Daneva M (2016). An approach to estimation of degree of customization for ERP projects using prioritized requirements, Journal of Systems and Software, 117:C, (471-487), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2016.
  51. Lopez-Lorca A, Beydoun G, Valencia-Garcia R and Martínez-Béjar R (2016). Automating the reuse of domain knowledge to improve the modelling outcome from interactions between developers and clients, Computing, 98:6, (609-640), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2016.
  52. Ritter E and Rigo S FITDATA: A system for monitoring physical activity based on mobile devices Proceedings of the XII Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems on Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems: Information Systems in the Cloud Computing Era - Volume 1, (550-557)
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  54. ACM
    Moshtari S and Sami A Evaluating and comparing complexity, coupling and a new proposed set of coupling metrics in cross-project vulnerability prediction Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, (1415-1421)
  55. Chávez-Bosquez O and Pozos-Parra P (2016). The Latin American laws of correct nutrition, Computers in Biology and Medicine, 70:C, (67-79), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2016.
  56. Chahal K and Saini M (2016). Open Source Software Evolution, International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes, 7:1, (28-48), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2016.
  57. ACM
    Al-Elaimat A and Al-Ghuwairi A Procedural Assessment Process of Software Quality Models Using Agility Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Information Processing, Security and Advanced Communication, (1-5)
  58. Sultan A, Baharom S, Ghani A, Din J and Zulzalil H Genetic Algorithm Application for Enhancing State-Sensitivity Partitioning Proceedings of the 27th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference on Testing Software and Systems - Volume 9447, (249-256)
  59. Mistrik I, Soley R, Ali N, Grundy J and Tekinerdogan B (2015). Software Quality Assurance, 10.5555/2911053, Online publication date: 2-Nov-2015.
  60. ACM
    Sharma S and Pandey S Integrating AI Techniques In SDLC Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Women in Computing and Informatics, (383-387)
  61. Okewu E Requirements Engineering in an Emerging Market Proceedings, Part IV, of the 15th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications -- ICCSA 2015 - Volume 9158, (476-491)
  62. Caglayan B, Tosun Misirli A, Bener A and Miranskyy A (2015). Predicting defective modules in different test phases, Software Quality Journal, 23:2, (205-227), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2015.
  63. ACM
    Inayat I, Moraes L, Daneva M and Salim S A reflection on agile requirements engineering Scientific Workshop Proceedings of the XP2015, (1-7)
  64. ACM
    Jain R and Suman U (2015). A Systematic Literature Review on Global Software Development Life Cycle, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 40:2, (1-14), Online publication date: 3-Apr-2015.
  65. Ferreira J, de Souza C and Cerqueira R Characterizing the tool-notation-people Triplet in software modeling tasks Proceedings of the 13th Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (31-40)
  66. Dighe S and Joshi A An Autoethnographic Study of HCI Effort Estimation in Outsourced Software Development Proceedings of the 5th IFIP WG 13.2 International Conference on Human-Centered Software Engineering - Volume 8742, (19-35)
  67. Kumar A, Maskara R, Maskara S and Chiang I (2014). Conceptualization and application of an approach for designing healthcare software interfaces, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 49:C, (171-186), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2014.
  68. ACM
    Díaz P, Aedo I and Cubas J CoDICE Proceedings of the 2014 International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, (253-256)
  69. ACM
    Anwar Z, Bibi N and Ahsan A (2014). The future of software engineering, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 39:2, (1-3), Online publication date: 29-Mar-2014.
  70. ACM
    Li Z and Kraemer E Social effects of pair programming mitigate impact of bounded rationality Proceedings of the 45th ACM technical symposium on Computer science education, (385-390)
  71. Olsen M and Raunak M A framework for simulation validation coverage Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference: Simulation: Making Decisions in a Complex World, (1569-1580)
  72. Uchitel S, Alrajeh D, Ben-David S, Braberman V, Chechik M, Caso G, D'ippolito N, Fischbein D, Garbervetsky D, Kramer J, Russo A and Sibay G (2013). Supporting incremental behaviour model elaboration, Computer Science - Research and Development, 28:4, (279-293), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2013.
  73. ACM
    Trimble J and Keeling H Comparative paradigms in the examination of software production Proceedings of the South African Institute for Computer Scientists and Information Technologists Conference, (341-346)
  74. ACM
    Oliva G, Steinmacher I, Wiese I and Gerosa M What can commit metadata tell us about design degradation? Proceedings of the 2013 International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution, (18-27)
  75. ACM
    Kumar K and Kumar S (2013). A rule-based recommendation system for selection of software development life cycle models, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 38:4, (1-6), Online publication date: 12-Jul-2013.
  76. ACM
    Krämer J, Karrer T, Kurz J, Wittenhagen M and Borchers J How tools in IDEs shape developers' navigation behavior Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (3073-3082)
  77. ACM
    Alkadi G and Beaubouef T (2013). Are software engineering textbooks a thing of the past?, ACM Inroads, 4:1, (47-51), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2013.
  78. Bertacco V, Rodriguez R, Arthur W, Mammo B and Austin T Schnauzer Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO), (1-11)
  79. ACM
    Richards D and Kelaiah I Usability attributes in virtual learning environments Proceedings of The 8th Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment: Playing the System, (1-10)
  80. dos Santos Soares M and Cioquetta D Analysis of techniques for documenting user requirements Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Computational Science and Its Applications - Volume Part IV, (16-28)
  81. Krämer J, Kurz J, Karrer T and Borchers J Blaze Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Software Engineering, (1457-1458)
  82. ACM
    Krämer J, Kurz J, Karrer T and Borchers J Blaze CHI '12 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2195-2200)
  83. Alrajeh D, Kramer J, Russo A and Uchitel S Learning from vacuously satisfiable scenario-based specifications Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, (377-393)
  84. ACM
    Russom M, Sloan R and Warner R Legal concepts meet technology Proceedings of the 2011 Workshop on Governance of Technology, Information, and Policies, (29-37)
  85. ACM
    Griffith I, Wahl S and Izurieta C Evolution of legacy system comprehensibility through automated refactoring Proceedings of the International Workshop on Machine Learning Technologies in Software Engineering, (35-42)
  86. ACM
    Karrer T, Krämer J, Diehl J, Hartmann B and Borchers J Stacksplorer Proceedings of the 24th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology, (217-224)
  87. ACM
    Dubey S and Rana A (2011). Assessment of maintainability metrics for object-oriented software system, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 36:5, (1-7), Online publication date: 30-Sep-2011.
  88. ACM
    Ben-David S, Chechik M, Gurfinkel A and Uchitel S CSSL Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGSOFT symposium and the 13th European conference on Foundations of software engineering, (37-47)
  89. Alkadi G, Beaubouef T, Patton E and Brown S (2011). Virtualization of our university for the recruitment and orientation of new students, Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 26:4, (71-77), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2011.
  90. Beaubouef T, Zhang W, Alkadi G and Yang K (2011). Beyond the computer science curriculum, Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 26:4, (21-27), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2011.
  91. ACM
    Mohan S and Chenoweth S Teaching requirements engineering to undergraduate students Proceedings of the 42nd ACM technical symposium on Computer science education, (141-146)
  92. ACM
    Alkadi G, Beaubouef T and Schroeder R (2010). The sometimes harsh reality of real world computer science projects, ACM Inroads, 1:4, (59-62), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2010.
  93. DeLoach S and Garcia-Ojeda J (2010). O-MaSE: a customisable approach to designing and building complex, adaptive multi-agent systems, International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, 4:3, (244-280), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2010.
  94. ACM
    Porteous J, Cavazza M and Charles F (2010). Applying planning to interactive storytelling, ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 1:2, (1-21), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2010.
  95. Mohamed A Facilitating tacit-knowledge acquisition within requirements engineering Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS international conference on Applied computer science, (27-32)
  96. ACM
    Hundley J Imprinting community college computer science education with software engineering principles Proceedings of the 48th annual ACM Southeast Conference, (1-4)
  97. Özdikiş Ö, Durak U and Oğuztüzün H User-guided transformations for ontology based simulation design Proceedings of the 2009 Summer Computer Simulation Conference, (75-82)
  • University of Bridgeport
