Analysis of power-performance for ultra-thin-body GeOI logic circuits
Pages 115 - 120
This work analyzes the power-performance of the emerging Ultra-Thin-Body (UTB) GeOI devices for logic circuit applications. The impacts of temperature and Vdd scaling on the leakage/delay are studied. Compared with the subthreshold leakage dominated SOI devices/circuits, the band-to-band tunneling dominated leakage currents of GeOI devices/circuits show less sensitivity to temperature. At 300oK and comparable delay, GeOI inverter with smaller band-gap shows larger leakage than the SOI inverter at Vdd = 1.0V, while exhibits lower leakage than the SOI inverter at Vdd = 0.8V. At 400oK, GeOI inverter shows both lower leakage and lower delay at Vdd = 0.6~1.0V compared with the SOI counterpart, due to the weaker temperature dependence of band-to-band tunneling leakage compared with subthreshold leakage. Compared with the SOI Two-Way NAND and NOR, the GeOI Two-Way NAND and NOR show smaller leakage currents at Vdd = 0.5V or 400oK as the band-to-band tunneling leakage is less sensitive to temperature compared with the subthreshold leakage. Compared with the GeOI domino gate at 400oK, the SOI domino gate shows 5 times degradation in the worst-case noise (dynamic node voltage droop) and 1.4 times increase in the worst-case delay. The GeOI latch leakages are smaller than the SOI counterparts at 300oK (Vdd < 0.8V) and 400oK (Vdd = 0.5~1.0V).
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Information & Contributors
Published In

August 2011
434 pages
- General Chairs:
- Naehyuck Chang,
- Hiroshi Nakamura,
- Koji Inoue,
- Program Chairs:
- Kenichi Osada,
- Massimo Poncino
IEEE Press
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Published: 01 August 2011
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- Research-article
ISLPED'11: International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design
August 1 - 3, 2011
Fukuoka, Japan
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