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10.5555/2532129.2532166guideproceedingsArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesgiConference Proceedingsconference-collections
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Extending the vocabulary of touch events with ThumbRock

Published: 29 May 2013 Publication History


Compared with mouse-based interaction on a desktop interface, touch-based interaction on a mobile device is quite limited: most applications only support tapping and dragging to perform simple gestures. Finger rolling provides an alternative to tapping but uses a recognition process that relies on either per-user calibration, explicit delimiters or extra hardware, making it difficult to integrate into current touch-based mobile devices. This paper introduces ThumbRock, a ready-to-use micro gesture that consists in rolling the thumb back and forth on the touchscreen. Our algorithm recognizes ThumbRocks with more than 96% accuracy without calibration nor explicit delimiter by analyzing the data provided by the touch screen with a low computational cost. The full trace of the gesture is analyzed incrementally to ensure compatibility with other events and to support real-time feedback. This also makes it possible to create a continuous control space as we illustrate with our MicroSlider, a 1D slider manipulated with thumb rolling gestures.

Supplementary Material

ZIP File (p221-bonnet.zip)
Supplemental material.


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Information & Contributors


Published In

cover image Guide Proceedings
GI '13: Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2013
May 2013
243 pages


  • The Canadian Human-Computer Communications Society / Société Canadienne du Dialogue Humaine Machine (CHCCS/SCDHM)


Canadian Information Processing Society


Publication History

Published: 29 May 2013

Author Tags

  1. finger rolling
  2. gesture vocabulary
  3. incremental recognizer
  4. mobile device
  5. touch event
  6. touchscreen


  • Research-article

Acceptance Rates

Overall Acceptance Rate 206 of 508 submissions, 41%


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  • (2020)Imprint-Based Input Techniques for Touch-Based Mobile DevicesProceedings of the 19th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia10.1145/3428361.3428393(32-41)Online publication date: 22-Nov-2020
  • (2018)FDSenseProceedings of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology10.1145/3242587.3242644(809-823)Online publication date: 11-Oct-2018
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