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10.5555/3171642.3171780guideproceedingsArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesConference Proceedingsacm-pubtype

Discriminative dictionary learning with ranking metric embedded for person re-identification

Published: 19 August 2017 Publication History


The goal of person re-identification (Re-Id) is to match pedestrians captured from multiple non-overlapping cameras. In this paper, we propose a novel dictionary learning based method with ranking metric embedded, for person Re-Id. A new and essential ranking graph Laplacian term is introduced, which minimizes the intra-personal compactness and maximizes the inter-personal dispersion in the objective. Different from the traditional dictionary learning based approaches and their extensions, which just use the same or not information, our proposed method can explore the ranking relationship among the person images, which is essential for such retrieval related tasks. Simultaneously, one distance measurement matrix has been explicitly learned in the model to further improve the performance. Since we have reformulated these ranking constraints into the graph Laplacian form, the proposed method is easy-to-implement but effective. We conduct extensive experiments on three widely used person Re-Id benchmark datasets, and achieve state-of-the-art performances.


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Cited By

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  • (2023)Self-Supervised Consistency Based on Joint Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-identificationACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications10.1145/361292620:1(1-20)Online publication date: 19-Aug-2023
  • (2018)Person re-identification by the asymmetric triplet and identification loss functionMultimedia Tools and Applications10.1007/s11042-017-5182-z77:3(3533-3550)Online publication date: 1-Feb-2018



Information & Contributors


Published In

cover image Guide Proceedings
IJCAI'17: Proceedings of the 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
August 2017
5253 pages


  • Australian Comp Soc: Australian Computer Society
  • NSF: National Science Foundation
  • Griffith University
  • University of Technology Sydney
  • AI Journal: AI Journal


AAAI Press

Publication History

Published: 19 August 2017


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  • (2023)Self-Supervised Consistency Based on Joint Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-identificationACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications10.1145/361292620:1(1-20)Online publication date: 19-Aug-2023
  • (2018)Person re-identification by the asymmetric triplet and identification loss functionMultimedia Tools and Applications10.1007/s11042-017-5182-z77:3(3533-3550)Online publication date: 1-Feb-2018

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