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View all- Mkhitaryan SGiabbanelli P(2021)How modeling methods for fuzzy cognitive mapping can benefit from psychology researchProceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference10.5555/3522802.3522971(1-12)Online publication date: 13-Dec-2021
Agent Based Social Simulation (ABSS) has been used to create simulations with agents that contain cognitive models to achieve more realistic and explainable results by mimicking human cognition. However when using this technique the decision model used ...
Uncertainty and imprecision characterize human cognitive and reasoning processes. Fuzzy cognitive maps (FCMs) are computationally simple yet effective structures to approximately model and simulate such processes. A limitation of current FCMs is that ...
This work proposes a framework for the design and development of Ontology Agents oriented to manage Rule Base Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (RB-FCM). The approach takes into account the foundations of the Ontology Agents and the baseline of the Fuzzy Cognitive ...
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