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Microkernel goes general: performance and compatibility in the HongMeng production microkernel

Published: 10 July 2024 Publication History


The virtues of security, reliability, and extensibility have made state-of-the-art microkernels prevalent in embedded and safety-critical scenarios. However, they face performance and compatibility issues when targeting more general scenarios, such as smartphones and smart vehicles.
This paper presents the design and implementation of Hong-Meng kernel (HM), a commercialized general-purpose microkernel that preserves most of the virtues of microkernels while addressing the above challenges. For the sake of commercial practicality, we design HM to be compatible with the Linux API and ABI to reuse its rich applications and driver ecosystems. To make it performant despite the constraints of compatibility and being general-purpose, we reexamine the traditional microkernel wisdom, including IPC, capability-based access control, and userspace paging, and retrofit them accordingly. Specifically, we argue that per-invocation IPC is not the only concern for performance, but IPC frequency, state double bookkeeping among OS services, and capabilities that hide kernel objects contribute to significant performance degradation. We mitigate them accordingly with a set of techniques, including differentiated isolation classes, flexible composition, policy-free kernel paging, and address-token-based access control.
HM consists of a minimal core kernel and a set of least-privileged OS services, and it can run complex frameworks like AOSP and OpenHarmony. HM has been deployed in production on tens of millions of devices in emerging scenarios, including smart routers, smart vehicles and smartphones, typically with improved performance and security over their Linux counterparts.


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Index Terms

  1. Microkernel goes general: performance and compatibility in the HongMeng production microkernel
            Index terms have been assigned to the content through auto-classification.



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            Published In

            cover image Guide Proceedings
            OSDI'24: Proceedings of the 18th USENIX Conference on Operating Systems Design and Implementation
            July 2024
            1005 pages


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            USENIX Association

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            Published: 10 July 2024


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