This is a systematic and comprehensive introduction both to compositional proof methods for the state-based verification of concurrent programs, such as the assumption-commitment and rely-guarantee paradigms, and to noncompositional methods, whose presentation culminates in an exposition of the communication-closed-layers (CCL) paradigm for verifying network protocols.
Cited By
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Index Terms
- Concurrency verification: introduction to compositional and noncompositional methods
Formal Specification of Java Concurrency to Assist Software Verification
IPDPS '03: Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed ProcessingThe Java programming language is a modern object-oriented language that supports concurrency. Ensuring concurrent programs are correct is difficult. Additional problems encountered in concurrent programs, compared with sequential programs, include ...
Specification, verification, and synthesis of concurrency control components
Run-time errors in concurrent programs are generally due to the wrong usage of synchronization primitives such as monitors. Conventional validation techniques such as testing become ineffective for concurrent programs since the state space increases ...