The Social Life of Avatars will be essential reading for computer scientists, and social scientists who are developing and researching virtual worlds. It will also be useful background reading for advanced undergraduate or postgraduate courses in the Sociology of New Information and Communication Technologies, Computer-Mediated Communication, Virtual Reality, Computer Graphics, HCI and Multimedia.
Cited By
- Schulenberg K, Freeman G, Li L and Knijnenburg B (2024). Does Who You Are or Appear to Be Matter?: Understanding Identity-Based Harassment in Social VR Through the Lens of (Mis)Perceived Identity Revelation, Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 8:CSCW2, (1-40), Online publication date: 7-Nov-2024.
- Takenaka S, Mizuho T, Narumi T and Kuzuoka H Effects of Human and Animal Partner-Avatars on Profile Memory in Virtual Reality ACM Symposium on Applied Perception 2024, (1-10)
- Wan Q and Lu Z (2024). Investigating VTubing as a Reconstruction of Streamer Self-Presentation: Identity, Performance, and Gender, Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 8:CSCW1, (1-22), Online publication date: 17-Apr-2024.
- Chen Q, Gan J, Bellucci A and Jacucci G (2024). "I Felt Everyone Was a Streamer": An Empirical Study on What Makes Avatar Collective Streaming Engaging, Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 8:CSCW1, (1-25), Online publication date: 17-Apr-2024.
- Congdon B, Park G, Zhang J and Steed A Comparing Mixed Reality Agent Representations: Studies in the Lab and in the Wild Proceedings of the 29th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, (1-11)
- Siqueira Rodrigues L, Nyakatura J, Zachow S and Israel J Design Challenges and Opportunities of Fossil Preparation Tools and Methods Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Culture and Computer Science: Code and Materiality, (1-10)
- Aicher A, Weber K, André E, Minker W and Ultes S The Influence of Avatar Interfaces on Argumentative Dialogues Proceedings of the 23rd ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, (1-8)
- Pröbster M and Marsden N That’s how I looked 25 years ago! Stereotypicality in avatars of a platform for further education Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2023, (467-471)
- Fu K, Chen Y, Cao J, Tong X and LC R "I Am a Mirror Dweller": Probing the Unique Strategies Users Take to Communicate in the Context of Mirrors in Social Virtual Reality Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (1-19)
- Rauschnabel P, Felix R, Hinsch C, Shahab H and Alt F (2022). What is XR? Towards a Framework for Augmented and Virtual Reality, Computers in Human Behavior, 133:C, Online publication date: 1-Aug-2022.
- Duhamel R, Clay A, Morel C, Burgues M, Philippe S, Wolff M and Mollard R Conception centrée utilisateur d’un environnement virtuel pour la prise de décision collaborative : état de l’art pluridisciplinaire et analyse des besoins. Proceedings of the 17th “Ergonomie et Informatique Avancée” Conference, (1-12)
- Gunkel S, Hindriks R, Assal K, Stokking H, Dijkstra-Soudarissanane S, Haar F and Niamut O VRComm Proceedings of the 12th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference, (65-79)
- Freeman G and Maloney D (2021). Body, Avatar, and Me, Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 4:CSCW3, (1-27), Online publication date: 5-Jan-2021.
- Freeman G, Zamanifard S, Maloney D and Adkins A My Body, My Avatar: How People Perceive Their Avatars in Social Virtual Reality Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (1-8)
- Wu Y, Wang Y, Jung S, Hoermann S and Lindeman R Exploring the Use of a Robust Depth-sensor-based Avatar Control System and its Effects on Communication Behaviors Proceedings of the 25th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, (1-9)
- Chow K, Coyiuto C, Nguyen C and Yoon D (2019). Challenges and Design Considerations for Multimodal Asynchronous Collaboration in VR, Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 3:CSCW, (1-24), Online publication date: 7-Nov-2019.
- Thaler A, Pujades S, Stefanucci J, Creem-Regehr S, Tesch J, Black M and Mohler B The Influence of Visual Perspective on Body Size Estimation in Immersive Virtual Reality ACM Symposium on Applied Perception 2019, (1-12)
- Kolesnichenko A, McVeigh-Schultz J and Isbister K Understanding Emerging Design Practices for Avatar Systems in the Commercial Social VR Ecology Proceedings of the 2019 on Designing Interactive Systems Conference, (241-252)
- George C, Spitzer M and Hussmann H Training in IVR Proceedings of the 24th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, (1-5)
- Moustafa F and Steed A A longitudinal study of small group interaction in social virtual reality Proceedings of the 24th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, (1-10)
- Gunkel S, Stokking H, Prins M, Niamut O, Siahaan E and Cesar P Experiencing Virtual Reality Together Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for TV and Online Video, (233-238)
- Gunkel S, Stokking H, Prins M, van der Stap N, Haar F and Niamut O Virtual reality conferencing Proceedings of the 9th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference, (498-501)
- Frischlich L, Rieger D and Rutkowski O I'd Rather Die Than Be with You Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Social Computing and Social Media - Volume 8531, (440-451)
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- Nitsche M and Richens P Telling stories through space Proceedings of the Third international conference on Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment, (61-71)
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- Steed A, Spante M, Heldal I, Axelsson A and Schroeder R Strangers and friends in caves Proceedings of the 2003 symposium on Interactive 3D graphics, (51-54)
Index Terms
- The social life of avatars: presence and interaction in shared virtual environments
Hybrid avatars: enabling co-presence in multiple realities
Web3D '16: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Web3D TechnologyVirtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies are quickly making their way into people's everyday lives. Typically, these technologies are used separately to create either plain VR or AR applications rather than harnessing the ...
My Body, My Avatar: How People Perceive Their Avatars in Social Virtual Reality
CHI EA '20: Extended Abstracts of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing SystemsThe perception and experience of avatars has been critical to understand the social dynamics in virtual environments, online gaming, and collaborative systems. How would emerging sociotechnical systems further complicate the role of avatars in our online ...
Avatars in social media: Balancing accuracy, playfulness and embodied messages
This paper examines how users negotiate their self-presentation via an avatar used in social media. Twenty participants customised an avatar while thinking aloud. An analysis of this verbal data revealed three motivating factors that drive self-...