No abstract available.
Cited By
- Bagchi K, Das P and Bhaumik B An approach to parallel architecture modelling (abstract only) Proceedings of the 15th annual conference on Computer Science
- Buhr R, Woodside C, Karam G, Van Der Loo K and Lewis D Experiments with Prolog design descriptions and tools in CAEDE Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Software engineering, (62-67)
- Fornaro R, Garrard K and Uzzle E A structured approach to teaching operating systems principles using a high level concurrent programming language Proceedings of the fourteenth SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education, (41-49)
- Hoffner Y Static and dynamic topological re-configurability in multi-microcomputer systems Proceedings of the 1983 ACM SIGSMALL symposium on Personal and small computers, (14-23)
- Fornaro R, Garrard K and Uzzle E (1983). A structured approach to teaching operating systems principles using a high level concurrent programming language, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 15:1, (41-49), Online publication date: 1-Feb-1983.
- Wear L, Guilmette R and Falash M A simulation of bus architectures for multiprocessor systems Proceedings of the 14th conference on Winter Simulation - Volume 1, (269-278)