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Introduction to finite fields and their applicationsJune 1986
  • Cambridge University Press
  • 40 W. 20 St. New York, NY
  • United States
Published:01 June 1986
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  1. Duarte A (2024). Projective Essential Idempotents, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 70:8, (5566-5572), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2024.
  2. Eddahmani S and Mesnager S On the Double Differential Uniformity of Vectorial Boolean Functions Progress in Cryptology - AFRICACRYPT 2024, (3-20)
  3. Yadav M and Sharma A (2024). Construction and enumeration of self-orthogonal and self-dual codes over Galois rings of even characteristic, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 92:2, (303-339), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2024.
  4. Reis L (2023). The average density of K-normal elements over finite fields, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 91:10, (3285-3292), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2023.
  5. Raja Durai R, Devi M and Kumar A (2022). Multiple-rate error-correcting coding scheme, Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, 33:2, (117-134), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2022.
  6. ACM
    Blackman D and Vigna S (2021). Scrambled Linear Pseudorandom Number Generators, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 47:4, (1-32), Online publication date: 31-Dec-2022.
  7. Johri A, Yardi A and Bodas T Approximate Gradient Coding for Heterogeneous Nodes 2021 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), (1-6)
  8. Liu T, Tessaro S and Vaikuntanathan V The t-wise Independence of Substitution-Permutation Networks Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2021, (454-483)
  9. Zhang J, Hu C, Fan X and Zhao C (2021). Trace representation of the binary pq2-periodic sequences derived from Euler quotients, Cryptography and Communications, 13:2, (343-359), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2021.
  10. Trimoska M, Ionica S and Dequen G Parity (XOR) Reasoning for the Index Calculus Attack Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, (774-790)
  11. Kodera Y, Taketa Y, Kusaka T, Nogami Y and Uehara S Equivalent Keys of a Nonlinear Filter Generator Using a Power Residue Symbol Advances in Information and Computer Security, (23-36)
  12. Yardi A and Vijayakumaran S (2019). Properties of syndrome distribution for blind reconstruction of cyclic codes, Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, 31:1, (23-41), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2020.
  13. Amadori A, Michiels W and Roelse P A DFA Attack on White-Box Implementations of AES with External Encodings Selected Areas in Cryptography – SAC 2019, (591-617)
  14. Wang Q and Stă?Nică? P (2019). A trigonometric sum sharp estimate and new bounds on the nonlinearity of some cryptographic Boolean functions, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 87:8, (1749-1763), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2019.
  15. Li W, Dau H, Wang Z, Jafarkhani H and Viterbo E On the I/O Costs in Repairing Short-Length Reed-Solomon Codes 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), (1087-1091)
  16. Reis L (2019). Factorization of a class of composed polynomials, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 87:7, (1657-1671), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2019.
  17. Meher B and Meher P (2019). Analysis of Systolic Penalties and Design of Efficient Digit-Level Systolic-like Multiplier for Binary Extension Fields, Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 38:2, (774-790), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2019.
  18. Qi Y, Tang C and Huang D (2018). Explicit characterization of two classes of regular bent functions, Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, 29:6, (529-544), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2018.
  19. Chen Y and Han Vinck A Systematic [n, n – 2] codes with capability of correcting single- and adjacent transposition errors 2018 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), (1-5)
  20. Dau H and Viterbo E Repair Schemes with Optimal I/O Costs for Full-Length Reed-Solomon Codes with Two Parities 2018 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), (1-5)
  21. Torres-Jimenez J and Izquierdo-Marquez I (2018). Covering arrays of strength three from extended permutation vectors, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 86:11, (2629-2643), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2018.
  22. Chen Y and Han Vinck A Some classes of systematic polynomial codes correcting single- and adjacent transposition errors 2018 International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications (ISITA), (496-500)
  23. Xu L and Chen H (2018). New Constant-Dimension Subspace Codes from Maximum Rank Distance Codes, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 64:9, (6315-6319), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2018.
  24. ACM
    Deng L, Shiau J, Lu H and Bowman D (2018). Secure and Fast Encryption (SAFE) with Classical Random Number Generators, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 44:4, (1-17), Online publication date: 9-Aug-2018.
  25. Dau H, Duursma I and Chu H On the I/O Costs of Some Repair Schemes for Full-Length Reed-Solomon Codes 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), (1700-1704)
  26. Krishnan M and Kumar P Rate-Optimal Streaming Codes for Channels with Burst and Isolated Erasures 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), (1809-1813)
  27. L'Ecuyer P History of uniform random number generation Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference, (1-29)
  28. Liu S, Manganiello F and Kschischang F (2017). Matroidal structure of skew polynomial rings with application to network coding, Finite Fields and Their Applications, 46:C, (326-346), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2017.
  29. Dau H, Duursma I, Kiah H and Milenkovic O Repairing reed-solomon codes with two erasures 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), (351-355)
  30. Dau H and Milenkovic O Optimal repair schemes for some families of full-length reed-solomon codes 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), (346-350)
  31. Guruswami V and Rawat A MDS code constructions with small sub-packetization and near-optimal repair bandwidth Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, (2109-2122)
  32. Liu T, Guo H, Parameswaran S and Hu S (2017). iCETD, Integration, the VLSI Journal, 56:C, (96-104), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2017.
  33. Pandian K and Ray K (2016). Dynamic Hash key-based stream cipher for secure transmission of real time ECG signal, Security and Communication Networks, 9:17, (4391-4402), Online publication date: 25-Nov-2016.
  34. Wang Q and Tan C (2016). Proof of a conjecture and a bound on the imbalance properties of LFSR subsequences, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 211:C, (217-221), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2016.
  35. Beierle C, Kranz T and Leander G Lightweight Multiplication in $$GF2^n$$ with Applications to MDS Matrices Proceedings, Part I, of the 36th Annual International Cryptology Conference on Advances in Cryptology --- CRYPTO 2016 - Volume 9814, (625-653)
  36. El-Razouk H and Reyhani-Masoleh A (2016). New Architectures for Digit-Level Single, Hybrid-Double, Hybrid-Triple Field Multiplications and Exponentiation Using Gaussian Normal Bases, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 65:8, (2495-2509), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2016.
  37. Dubrova E, Näslund M, Selander G and Norrman K Error-Correcting Message Authentication for 5G Proceedings of the 9th EAI International Conference on Mobile Multimedia Communications, (149-158)
  38. Kharaghani H and Suda S (2016). Symmetric Bush-type generalized Hadamard matrices and association schemes, Finite Fields and Their Applications, 37:C, (72-84), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2016.
  39. Dolžan D, Kokol Bukovšek D, Kuzma B and Oblak P (2016). On diameter of the commuting graph of a full matrix algebra over a finite field, Finite Fields and Their Applications, 37:C, (36-45), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2016.
  40. Yuan P and Zheng Y (2015). Permutation polynomials from piecewise functions, Finite Fields and Their Applications, 35:C, (215-230), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2015.
  41. Friesen M, Hamed A, Lee T and Oliver Theis D (2015). Fooling-sets and rank, European Journal of Combinatorics, 48:C, (143-153), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2015.
  42. Khan M and Azam N (2015). S-Boxes Based on Affine Mapping and Orbit of Power Function, 3D Research, 6:2, (1-15), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2015.
  43. Sun X, Kalla P, Pruss T and Enescu F Formal verification of sequential Galois field arithmetic circuits using algebraic geometry Proceedings of the 2015 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition, (1623-1628)
  44. Wang Q and Tan C Properties of a Family of Cryptographic Boolean Functions Sequences and Their Applications - SETA 2014, (34-46)
  45. Gardner D, SăźLăźGean A and Phan R Efficient Generation of Elementary Sequences Proceedings of the 14th IMA International Conference on Cryptography and Coding - Volume 8308, (16-27)
  46. Wang Q, Tan C and Foo T A Family of Cryptographically Significant Boolean Functions Based on the Hidden Weighted Bit Function Information Security and Cryptology -- ICISC 2013, (311-322)
  47. Jukna S and Sergeev I (2013). Complexity of Linear Boolean Operators, Foundations and Trends® in Theoretical Computer Science, 9:1, (1-123), Online publication date: 31-Oct-2013.
  48. Rosenthal J and Trautmann A (2013). A complete characterization of irreducible cyclic orbit codes and their Plücker embedding, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 66:1-3, (275-289), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2013.
  49. Geil O and Thomsen C (2013). Weighted Reed---Muller codes revisited, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 66:1-3, (195-220), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2013.
  50. Petzoldt A and Bulygin S Linear recurring sequences for the UOV key generation revisited Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Information Security and Cryptology, (441-455)
  51. Elia M, Rosenthal J and Schipani D (2012). Polynomial evaluation over finite fields, Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, 23:3-4, (129-141), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2012.
  52. Deng L, Shiau J and Lu H (2012). Large-Order Multiple Recursive Generators with Modulus 231-1, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 24:4, (636-647), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2012.
  53. Azarderakhsh R and Reyhani-Masoleh A (2012). Efficient FPGA implementations of point multiplication on binary Edwards and generalized Hessian curves using Gaussian normal basis, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 20:8, (1453-1466), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2012.
  54. Rizomiliotis P and Gritzalis S GHB Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security, (489-506)
  55. Álvarez R, Martínez F, Vicent J and Zamora A Cryptographic applications of 3x3 block upper triangular matrices Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems - Volume Part II, (97-104)
  56. Chiou C, Lee C and Yeh Y (2011). Multiplexer implementation of low-complexity polynomial basis multiplier in GF(2m) using all one polynomial, Information Processing Letters, 111:21-22, (1044-1047), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2011.
  57. Yadav D, Sharma R and Shukla W On applications of singular matrices over finite fields in cryptography Proceedings of the First international conference on Security aspects in information technology, (181-185)
  58. Fúster-Sabater A Structural properties of cryptographic sequences Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Computational intelligence in security for information systems, (127-134)
  59. Petzoldt A, Bulygin S and Buchmann J Linear recurring sequences for the UOV key generation Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Practice and theory in public key cryptography conference on Public key cryptography, (335-350)
  60. Krovetz T and Rogaway P The software performance of authenticated-encryption modes Proceedings of the 18th international conference on Fast software encryption, (306-327)
  61. Lee C, Chang Y, Jing M and Chen J (2010). Decoding binary cyclic codes with irreducible generator polynomials up to actual minimum distance, IEEE Communications Letters, 14:11, (1050-1052), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2010.
  62. ACM
    Nagarajan A, Schulte M and Ramanathan P Galois field hardware architectures for network coding Proceedings of the 6th ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems, (1-9)
  63. Rahaman H, Mathew J and Pradhan D (2010). Test generation in systolic architecture for multiplication over GF(2m), IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 18:9, (1366-1371), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2010.
  64. Azarderakhsh R and Reyhani-Masoleh A A modified low complexity digit-level Gaussian normal basis multiplier Proceedings of the Third international conference on Arithmetic of finite fields, (25-40)
  65. Smith-Tone D Properties of the discrete differential with cryptographic applications Proceedings of the Third international conference on Post-Quantum Cryptography, (1-12)
  66. Talapatra S, Rahaman H and Mathew J (2010). Low complexity digit serial systolic montgomery multipliers for special class of GF(2m), IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 18:5, (847-852), Online publication date: 1-May-2010.
  67. Li J and Chao C (2010). An efficient P2P content distribution system based on altruistic demand and recoding dissemination, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans, 40:5, (1083-1093), Online publication date: 1-May-2010.
  68. Fuster-Sabater A, Delgado-Mohatar O and Brankovic L On the linearity of cryptographic sequence generators Proceedings of the 2010 international conference on Computational Science and Its Applications - Volume Part II, (586-596)
  69. ACM
    Chen H Efficient compromising resilient authentication schemes for large scale wireless sensor networks Proceedings of the third ACM conference on Wireless network security, (49-54)
  70. Tapolcai J, Rónyai L and Ho P Optimal solutions for single fault localization in two dimensional lattice networks Proceedings of the 29th conference on Information communications, (161-165)
  71. Alhussien H and Moon J (2010). An iteratively decodable tensor product code with application to data storage, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 28:2, (228-240), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2010.
  72. Chiou C, Chou F and Yeh Y (2010). Speeding up Euclid's GCD algorithm with no magnitude comparisons, International Journal of Information and Computer Security, 4:1, (1-8), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2010.
  73. Srinivasan S and Pietrobon S (2010). Decoding of high rate convolutional codes using the dual trellis, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 56:1, (273-295), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2010.
  74. Chang Y and Lee C (2010). Algebraic decoding of a class of binary cyclic codes via Lagrange interpolation formula, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 56:1, (130-139), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2010.
  75. Kanso A (2010). Encryption System with Variable Number of Registers, Computers and Electrical Engineering, 36:1, (199-212), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2010.
  76. Xie J, Cao W and Wang T Quadratic Equations from a Kind of S-boxes Information Security Applications, (239-253)
  77. Tartary C Ensuring Authentication of Digital Information Using Cryptographic Accumulators Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security, (315-333)
  78. Salagean A (2009). An algorithm for computing minimal bidirectional linear recurrence relations, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 55:10, (4695-4700), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2009.
  79. Sarkar P (2009). Efficient tweakable enciphering schemes from (block-wise) universal hash functions, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 55:10, (4749-4760), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2009.
  80. Nawaz Y, Gupta K and Gong G (2009). Algebraic immunity of S-boxes based on power mappings, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 55:9, (4263-4273), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2009.
  81. Orel M (2009). A note on adjacency preservers on hermitian matrices over finite fields, Finite Fields and Their Applications, 15:4, (441-449), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2009.
  82. Wang X and Ma X (2009). A class of generalized LDPC codes with fast parallel decoding algorithms, IEEE Communications Letters, 13:7, (531-533), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2009.
  83. ACM
    Guruswami V, Umans C and Vadhan S (2009). Unbalanced expanders and randomness extractors from Parvaresh--Vardy codes, Journal of the ACM, 56:4, (1-34), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2009.
  84. Meher P (2009). Systolic and non-systolic scalable modular designs of finite field multipliers for reed-solomon codec, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 17:6, (747-757), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2009.
  85. ACM
    Guruswami V Artin automorphisms, cyclotomic function fields, and folded list-decodable codes Proceedings of the forty-first annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing, (23-32)
  86. Meher P, Ha Y and Lee C An optimized design for serial-parallel finite field multiplication over GF(2) based on all-one polynomials Proceedings of the 2009 Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, (210-215)
  87. Christopoulou M, Garefalakis T, Panario D and Thomson D (2008). The trace of an optimal normal element and low complexity normal bases, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 49:1-3, (199-215), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2008.
  88. Farashahi R, Pellikaan R and Sidorenko A (2008). Extractors for binary elliptic curves, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 49:1-3, (171-186), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2008.
  89. ACM
    Chen C, Lee C and Lu E Combined circuit architecture for computing normal basis and montgomery multiplications over GF(2m) Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile Technology, Applications, and Systems, (1-6)
  90. ACM
    Ghellar F and Lubaszewski M A novel AES cryptographic core highly resistant to differential power analysis attacks Proceedings of the 21st annual symposium on Integrated circuits and system design, (140-145)
  91. Zhang M and Wong P (2008). Genetic programming for medical classification, Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 9:3, (229-255), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2008.
  92. Hyun J and Kim H (2008). Maximum distance separable poset codes, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 48:3, (247-261), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2008.
  93. Medoš S and Boztaş S Montgomery Residue Representation Fault-Tolerant Computation in GF(2k) Proceedings of the 13th Australasian conference on Information Security and Privacy, (419-432)
  94. Fúster-Sabater A and Caballero-Gil P Linear cellular automata as discrete models for generating cryptographic sequences Proceedings of the sixth Australasian conference on Information security - Volume 81, (47-52)
  95. ACM
    Rahaman H, Mathew J, Pradhan D and Jabir A (2008). C-testable bit parallel multipliers over GF(2), ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, 13:1, (1-18), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2008.
  96. Lee C (2008). Low-complexity bit-parallel systolic multipliers over GF(2), Integration, the VLSI Journal, 41:1, (106-112), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2008.
  97. Jing M, Chen J, Chen Z and Chang Y The secure DAES design for embedded system application Proceedings of the 2007 conference on Emerging direction in embedded and ubiquitous computing, (617-626)
  98. Jing M, Chen J, Chen Z and Chang Y The Secure DAES Design for Embedded System Application Emerging Directions in Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing, (617-626)
  99. Medoš S and Boztaş S Fault-Tolerant Finite Field Computation in the Public Key Cryptosystems Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes, (120-129)
  100. Ji W and Hu L New description of SMS4 by an embedding over GF(28) Proceedings of the cryptology 8th international conference on Progress in cryptology, (238-251)
  101. Kozyakin V and Kuznetsov N (2007). Feasibility of numerical modelling, Automation and Remote Control, 68:12, (2228-2270), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2007.
  102. Tartary C, Wang H and Pieprzyk J An hybrid approach for efficient multicast stream authentication over unsecured channels Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Provable security, (17-34)
  103. Zou X, Karandikar Y and Bertino E (2007). A dynamic key management solution to access hierarchy, International Journal of Network Management, 17:6, (437-450), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2007.
  104. Bogdanov A, Knudsen L, Leander G, Paar C, Poschmann A, Robshaw M, Seurin Y and Vikkelsoe C PRESENT Proceedings of the 9th international workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, (450-466)
  105. Kelarev A (2007). Algorithms for computing parameters of graph-based extensions of BCH codes, Journal of Discrete Algorithms, 5:3, (553-563), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2007.
  106. Tartary C and Wang H Combining prediction hashing and MDS codes for efficient multicast stream authentication Proceedings of the 12th Australasian conference on Information security and privacy, (293-307)
  107. Namin A, Wu H and Ahmadi M (2007). Comb Architectures for Finite Field Multiplication in F(2^m), IEEE Transactions on Computers, 56:7, (909-916), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2007.
  108. Klimov A, Romero J, Björk G and Sánchez-Soto L Discrete Phase-Space Structures and Mutually Unbiased Bases Proceedings of the 1st international workshop on Arithmetic of Finite Fields, (333-345)
  109. Díaz R, Masqué J and Domínguez A A Twin for Euler's φ Function in $\mathbb{F}_2[X]$ Proceedings of the 1st international workshop on Arithmetic of Finite Fields, (318-332)
  110. Shi-Hui P, Yong-Zhe Z and Hong-Wei Z Construct public key encryption scheme using ergodic matrices over GF(2) Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Theory and applications of models of computation, (181-188)
  111. Kobayashi K and Imura J Minimalilty of finite automata representation in hybrid systems control Proceedings of the 10th international conference on Hybrid systems: computation and control, (343-356)
  112. Namin A, Wu H and Ahmadi M A bit-serial word-parallel finite field multiplier using redundant basis in F2M Proceedings of the Fourth IASTED Asian Conference on Communication Systems and Networks, (171-176)
  113. Jing M, Chen Z, Chen J and Chen Y (2007). Reconfigurable system for high-speed and diversified AES using FPGA, Microprocessors & Microsystems, 31:2, (94-102), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2007.
  114. ACM
    Jachimie N, Martinez-Vallin F and Saniie J CReconfigurable finite field instruction set architecture Proceedings of the 2007 ACM/SIGDA 15th international symposium on Field programmable gate arrays, (216-220)
  115. Guruswami V (2007). Algorithmic results in list decoding, Foundations and Trends® in Theoretical Computer Science, 2:2, (107-195), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2007.
  116. Agrawal M Primality tests based on fermat's little theorem Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Distributed Computing and Networking, (288-293)
  117. Chang K, Kang J, Lee M, Lee H and Hong D New variant of the self-shrinking generator and its cryptographic properties Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Information Security and Cryptology, (41-50)
  118. Chakraborty D and Sarkar P A general construction of tweakable block ciphers and different modes of operations Proceedings of the Second SKLOIS conference on Information Security and Cryptology, (88-102)
  119. Lee C, Horng J and Jou I (2006). Low-complexity bit-parallel multiplier over GF(2m) using dual basis representation, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 21:6, (887-892), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2006.
  120. Hernández-Goya C and Fúster-Sabater A Deterministic analysis of balancedness in symmetric cryptography Proceedings of the 21st international conference on Computer and Information Sciences, (1011-1020)
  121. Bringer J, Chabanne H and Dottax E Perturbing and protecting a traceable block cipher Proceedings of the 10th IFIP TC-6 TC-11 international conference on Communications and Multimedia Security, (109-119)
  122. Zhang M, Wong P and Qian D Online program simplification in genetic programming Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Simulated Evolution And Learning, (592-600)
  123. Bhattacharya D, Mukhopadhyay D and RoyChowdhury D A cellular automata based approach for generation of large primitive polynomial and its application to RS-Coded MPSK modulation Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, (204-214)
  124. Daemen J and Rijmen V Understanding two-round differentials in AES Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Security and Cryptography for Networks, (78-94)
  125. Park S, Chang K and Hong D (2006). Efficient Bit-Parallel Multiplier for Irreducible Pentanomials Using a Shifted Polynomial Basis, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 55:9, (1211-1215), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2006.
  126. Gál A and Trifonov V On the correlation between parity and modular polynomials Proceedings of the 31st international conference on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, (387-398)
  127. Xia T, Seberry J and Xia M New constructing of regular Hadamard matrices Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS international conference on Computers, (1294-1299)
  128. ACM
    Wong P and Zhang M Algebraic simplification of GP programs during evolution Proceedings of the 8th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, (927-934)
  129. Saıd F, Lahouar H and Nicolas J (2006). On the counting function of the sets of parts A such that the partition function p (A,n) takes even values for n large enough, Discrete Mathematics, 306:12, (1115-1125), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2006.
  130. ACM
    Guruswami V and Rudra A Explicit capacity-achieving list-decodable codes Proceedings of the thirty-eighth annual ACM symposium on Theory of Computing, (1-10)
  131. Mukhopadhyay S and Sarkar P Application of LFSRs for parallel sequence generation in cryptologic algorithms Proceedings of the 2006 international conference on Computational Science and Its Applications - Volume Part III, (436-445)
  132. Imana J, Sanchez J and Tirado F (2006). Bit-Parallel Finite Field Multipliers for Irreducible Trinomials, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 55:5, (520-533), Online publication date: 1-May-2006.
  133. Nawaz Y, Gong G and Gupta K Upper bounds on algebraic immunity of boolean power functions Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Fast Software Encryption, (375-389)
  134. Großschädl J, Ienne P, Pozzi L, Tillich S and Verma A Combining algorithm exploration with instruction set design Proceedings of the conference on Design, automation and test in Europe: Proceedings, (218-223)
  135. Jeon J, Kim K and Yoo K (2006). A novel approach for bit-serial AB2 multiplication in finite fields GF(2m), Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 51:6-7, (1103-1112), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2006.
  136. Climent J, Ferrández F, Vicent J and Zamora A (2006). A nonlinear elliptic curve cryptosystem based on matrices, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 174:1, (150-164), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2006.
  137. Khoo K, Gong G and Stinson D (2006). A New Characterization of Semi-bent and Bent Functions on Finite Fields*, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 38:2, (279-295), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2006.
  138. Kelarev A A polynomial algorithm for codes based on directed graphs Proceedings of the Twelfth Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium - Volume 51, (87-92)
  139. Ahlswede R, Mauduit C and Sárközy A Large families of pseudorandom sequences of k symbols and their complexity General Theory of Information Transfer and Combinatorics, (308-325)
  140. Ahlswede R, Mauduit C and Sárközy A Large families of pseudorandom sequences of k symbols and their complexity General Theory of Information Transfer and Combinatorics, (293-307)
  141. Kelarev A A polynomial algorithm for codes based on directed graphs Proceedings of the 12th Computing: The Australasian Theroy Symposium - Volume 51, (87-92)
  142. Reyhani-Masoleh A (2006). Efficient Algorithms and Architectures for Field Multiplication Using Gaussian Normal Bases, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 55:1, (34-47), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2006.
  143. Kim C, Kim Y, Chang N and Park I Modified serial multipliers for Type-IV gaussian normal bases Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Cryptology in India, (375-388)
  144. Chang K, Hong D and Cho H (2005). Low Complexity Bit-Parallel Multiplier for GF(2^m) Defined by All-One Polynomials Using Redundant Representation, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 54:12, (1628-1630), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2005.
  145. Beygelzimer A and Ogihara M (2005). The enumerability of P collapses P to NC, Theoretical Computer Science, 345:2-3, (248-259), Online publication date: 22-Nov-2005.
  146. Safavi-Naini R and Charnes C (2005). MRD Hashing, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 37:2, (229-242), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2005.
  147. Satzoda R and Chang C VLSI performance evaluation and analysis of systolic and semisystolic finite field multipliers Proceedings of the 10th Asia-Pacific conference on Advances in Computer Systems Architecture, (693-706)
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    Ben-Sasson E and Sudan M Simple PCPs with poly-log rate and query complexity Proceedings of the thirty-seventh annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing, (266-275)
  157. Chi H, Beerli P, Evans D and Mascagni M On the scrambled soboĺ sequence Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Computational Science - Volume Part III, (775-782)
  158. Fúster-Sabater A and Caballero-Gil P A simple acceptance/rejection criterium for sequence generators in symmetric cryptography Proceedings of the 2005 international conference on Computational Science and Its Applications - Volume Part III, (719-728)
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  161. Reyhani-Masoleh A and Hasan M (2005). Low Complexity Word-Level Sequential Normal Basis Multipliers, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 54:2, (98-110), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2005.
  162. Jackiewicz M and Kuriata E Analysis of non-linear pseudo-noise sequences Enhanced methods in computer security, biometric and artificial intelligence systems, (93-102)
  163. Hebisz T and Kuriata E The capacity of ciphers fulfilling the accessibility of cryptograms Enhanced methods in computer security, biometric and artificial intelligence systems, (13-22)
  164. Yan Z, Sarwate D and Liu Z (2005). High-speed systolic architectures for finite field inversion, Integration, the VLSI Journal, 38:3, (383-398), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2005.
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  171. Sunar B, Savas E and Koç Ç (2003). Constructing Composite Field Representations for Efficient Conversion, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 52:11, (1391-1398), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2003.
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  176. Brent R, Larvala S and Zimmermann P (2003). A fast algorithm for testing reducibility of trinomials mod 2 and some new primitive trinomials of degree 3021377, Mathematics of Computation, 72:243, (1443-1452), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2003.
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    Bhaskar R, Dubey P, Kumar V and Rudra A Efficient galois field arithmetic on SIMD architectures Proceedings of the fifteenth annual ACM symposium on Parallel algorithms and architectures, (256-257)
  178. Yoo H, Yoon S and Kim E An efficient algorithm for computing inverses in GF(2m) using dual bases Proceedings of the 2003 international conference on Computational science, (994-999)
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  180. Yoo H and Kim E Efficient inversion algorithm for optimal normal bases type II Proceedings of the 2003 international conference on Computational science and its applications: PartI, (330-337)
  181. Brent R and Zimmermann P Random number generators with period divisible by a Mersenne prime Proceedings of the 2003 international conference on Computational science and its applications: PartI, (1-10)
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  194. Kim C, Oh S and Lim J (2002). A new hardware architecture for operations In GF (2), IEEE Transactions on Computers, 51:1, (92), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2002.
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  199. Koç Ç and Sunar B (2001). An Efficient Optimal Normal Basis Type II Multiplier, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 50:1, (83-87), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2001.
  200. L'Ecuyer P and Panneton F A new class of linear feedback shift register generators Proceedings of the 32nd conference on Winter simulation, (690-696)
  201. Oh S, Kim C, Lim J and Cheon D (2000). Efficient Normal Basis Multipliers in Composite Fields, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 49:10, (1133-1138), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2000.
  202. Hasan M and Wassal A (2000). VLSI Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementation of a Versatile GF(2m) Processor, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 49:10, (1064-1073), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2000.
  203. Baker R, Dover J, Ebert G and Wantz K (2000). Perfect Baer Subplane Partitions and Three-DimensionalFlag-Transitive Planes, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 21:1-3, (19-39), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2000.
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  205. Halbutoğullari A and Koç Ç (2000). Mastrovito Multiplier for General Irreducible Polynomials, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 49:5, (503-518), Online publication date: 1-May-2000.
  206. Maurer U and Wolf S (2000). The Diffie–Hellman Protocol, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 19:2-3, (147-171), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2000.
  207. ACM
    L'Ecuyer P and Lemieux C Quasi-Monte Carlo via linear shift-register sequences Proceedings of the 31st conference on Winter simulation: Simulation---a bridge to the future - Volume 1, (632-639)
  208. Agrawal M and Biswas S Primality and Identity Testing via Chinese Remaindering Proceedings of the 40th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science
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  210. Ishibashi H, Ito T and Yamada M (1999). Terwilliger Algebras of Cyclotomic Schemes and Jacobi Sums, European Journal of Combinatorics, 20:5, (397-410), Online publication date: 1-Jul-1999.
  211. Cheon J, Chee S and Park C S-boxes with controllable nonlinearity Proceedings of the 17th international conference on Theory and application of cryptographic techniques, (286-294)
  212. Sunar B and Koç Ç (1999). Mastrovito Multiplier for All Trinomials, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 48:5, (522-527), Online publication date: 1-May-1999.
  213. Cattell K, Zhang S, Serra M and Muzio J (1999). 2-by-n$n$ Hybrid Cellular Automata with Regular Configuration, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 48:3, (285-295), Online publication date: 1-Mar-1999.
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  217. Koç Ç and Sunar B (1998). Low-Complexity Bit-Parallel Canonical and Normal Basis Multipliers for a Class of Finite Fields, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 47:3, (353-356), Online publication date: 1-Mar-1998.
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  243. Niederreiter H Sequences with almost perfect linear complexity profile Proceedings of the 6th annual international conference on Theory and application of cryptographic techniques, (37-51)
  244. Krishnan M and Kumar P On MBR codes with replication 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), (71-75)
  • University of Tasmania
  • University of Salzburg


George James Davis

This is a textbook edition of the monograph Finite Fields [1]. The emphasis is on applications, and thus many of the more theoretical topics found in that earlier volume are not included here. The stated prerequisites include a first course in linear algebra, and some basic ideas in analysis. A background in algebra would, of course, be helpful, but is not essential. A brisk course in abstract algebra is given in Chapter 1, along with a rich set of exercises to solidify these important ideas. Students meeting only the minimal prerequisites may find the pace to be difficult, but those with stronger backgrounds could review this material rapidly. Chapter 2 discusses the structure of a finite field, including theorems on representation, extension, irreducible polynomials, and roots of unity. Wedderburn's Theorem is included as an optional section. One of the best features of this book is its problem sets. Students simply must understand these first two chapters to make any headway in the text; working the exercises should aid the task greatly. The next two chapters discuss polynomials over finite fields. Chapter 3 studies the notions of order, primitive polynomials, construction of irreducible polynomials, linearized polynomials and related topics. Chapter 4 covers concepts related to polynomial factorization. Algorithms are given to factor a polynomial in a “small” and a “large” finite field, and to find roots of polynomials. More good problem sets follow. The relatively short Chapter 5 explores some of the theory of exponential sums and, in particular, Gaussian sums. This is one of the chapters that was shortened from the Encyclopedia volume. Sequences where the terms depend linearly on a fixed number of predecessors are covered in detail in Chapter 6. Implementation on feedback shift registers, impulse response sequences, periodicity, characterization, and distribution properties are all given treatment. Another very good set of problems is found at the end. The last three chapters are devoted to applications. Chapter 7 covers some of the applications of finite fields to other areas of mathematics, notably affine and projective geometry, combinatorics, linear modular systems, and simulation of randomness. Applications to coding theory are discussed in Chapter 8, including cyclic codes, Bose-Ray-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem codes, and Goppa codes. Several cryptosystems and a short background of cryptology are presented in Chapter 9. A comprehensive set of (often challenging) problems is found at each chapter's end. This is a very well-written book. The authors do a good job of telling the reader where we have been and where we are going. The application chapters are particularly well done. There is much material in this text, certainly more than can be covered in one quarter or semester. The interdependent structure of the chapters gives instructors considerable freedom in fitting the course to the students' needs. Anyone interested in a good textbook covering these topics should certainly review this book as a possible candidate.

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