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Algorithm 806: SPRNG: a scalable library for pseudorandom number generation

Published: 01 September 2000 Publication History


In this article we present background, rationale, and a description of the Scalable Parallel Random Number Generators (SPRNG) library. We begin by presenting some methods for parallel pseudorandom number generation. We will focus on methods based on parameterization, meaning that we will not consider splitting methods such as the leap-frog or blocking methods. We describe, in detail, parameterized versions of the following pseudorandom number generators: (i) linear congruential generators, (ii) shift-register generators, and (iii) lagged-Fibonacci generators. We briefly describe the methods, detail some advantages and disadvantages of each method, and recount results from number theory that impact our understanding of their quality in parallel applications. SPRNG was designed around the uniform implementation of different families of parameterized random number generators. We then present a short description of SPRNG. The description contained within this document is meant only to outline the rationale behind and the capabilities of SPRNG. Much more information, including examples and detailed documentation aimed at helping users with putting and using SPRNG on scalable systems is available at htt;//sprng.sc.fsu.edu. In this description of SPRNG we discuss the random-number generator library as well as the suite of tests of randomness that is an integral part of SPRNG. Random-number tools for parallel Monte Carlo applications must be subjected to classical as well as new types of empirical tests of randomness to eliminate generators that show defects when used in scalable envionments.

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Published: 01 September 2000
Published in TOMS Volume 26, Issue 3


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  1. lagged-Fibonacci generator
  2. linear congruential generator
  3. parallel random-number generators
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