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Caching Function Results: Faster Arithmetic by Avoiding Unnecessary ComputationSeptember 1992
1992 Technical Report
  • Sun Microsystems, Inc.
  • An Imprint of Prentice Hall PTR 2500 Garcia Avenue Mountain View, CA
  • United States
Published:01 September 1992
Skip Abstract Section

This report introduces the notion of trivial computation, where the appearance of simple operands reduces the complexity of a potentially difficult operation. An example of a trivial operation is integer divide-by-two; the division becomes a simple shift operation. Also discussed is the concept of redundant computation, where some operation repeatedly does the same function because it repeatedly sees the same operands. Using two separate benchmark suites, the SPEC benchmarks and the Perfect Club, and concentrating on multiplication, we find a surprising amount of trivial and redundant operation. Various architectural means of exploiting this knowledge to improve computational efficiency include detection of trivial operands, memoization, and the result cache.

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  • Stanford University

Index Terms

  1. Caching Function Results: Faster Arithmetic by Avoiding Unnecessary Computation
