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Surveillance camera scheduling: a virtual vision approach

Published: 01 December 2006 Publication History


We present a surveillance system, comprising wide field-of-view (FOV) passive cameras and pan/tilt/zoom (PTZ) active cameras, which automatically captures high-resolution videos of pedestrians as they move through a designated area. A wide-FOV static camera can track multiple pedestrians, while any PTZ active camera can capture high-quality videos of one pedestrian at a time. We formulate the multi-camera control strategy as an online scheduling problem and propose a solution that combines the information gathered by the wide-FOV cameras with weighted round-robin scheduling to guide the available PTZ cameras, such that each pedestrian is observed by at least one PTZ camera while in the designated area. A centerpiece of our work is the development and testing of experimental surveillance systems within a visually and behaviorally realistic virtual environment simulator. The simulator is valuable as our research would be more or less infeasible in the real world given the impediments to deploying and experimenting with appropriately complex camera sensor networks in large public spaces. In particular, we demonstrate our surveillance system in a virtual train station environment populated by autonomous, lifelike virtual pedestrians, wherein easily reconfigurable virtual cameras generate synthetic video feeds. The video streams emulate those generated by real surveillance cameras monitoring richly populated public spaces.


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Published In

cover image Multimedia Systems
Multimedia Systems  Volume 12, Issue 3
December 2006
117 pages



Berlin, Heidelberg

Publication History

Published: 01 December 2006


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