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A model of how hierarchical representations constructed in the hippocampus are used to navigate through space

Published: 07 January 2025 Publication History


Animals can navigate through complex environments with amazing flexibility and efficiency: they forage over large areas, quickly learning rewarding behavior and changing their plans when necessary. Some insights into the neural mechanisms supporting this ability can be found in the hippocampus (HPC)—a brain structure involved in navigation, learning, and memory. Neuronal activity in the HPC provides a hierarchical representation of space, representing an environment at multiple scales. In addition, it has been observed that when memory-consolidation processes in the HPC are inactivated, animals can still plan and navigate in a familiar environment but not in new environments. Findings like these suggest three useful principles: spatial learning is hierarchical, learning a hierarchical world-model is intrinsically valuable, and action planning occurs as a downstream process separate from learning. Here, we demonstrate computationally how an agent could learn hierarchical models of an environment using off-line replay of trajectories through that environment and show empirically that this allows computationally efficient planning to reach arbitrary goals within a reinforcement learning setting. Using the computational model to simulate hippocampal damage reproduces navigation behaviors observed in rodents with hippocampal inactivation. The approach presented here might help to clarify different interpretations of some spatial navigation studies in rodents and present some implications for future studies of both machine and biological intelligence.


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cover image Adaptive Behavior - Animals, Animats, Software Agents, Robots, Adaptive Systems
Adaptive Behavior - Animals, Animats, Software Agents, Robots, Adaptive Systems  Volume 33, Issue 1
Feb 2025
76 pages
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Published: 07 January 2025

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  1. Reinforcement learning
  2. navigation
  3. hierarchical learning
  4. hippocampus
  5. cognitive map
  6. model-based learning


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