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Emotional Virtual Characters for Improving Motivation and Performance in VR Exergames

Published: 04 October 2023 Publication History


Motivation and high effort in exergames are still open to optimization. In reality, coaches can stimulate athletes' engagement by infecting them with their emotions. However, whether these emotion-influencing effects also occur with virtual coaches remains unclear. In the present study, we measured the emotional state, motivation, and performance (punch speed) of 47 participants playing a VR exergame with an emotional (happy/angry) or neutral virtual coach. Results show that the happy and angry coach significantly affected the players' emotions. Furthermore, interacting with the emotional coaches leads to higher motivation, whereas the angry coach causes a reduction of feeling related. Also, we found a significant positive correlation between the increase in anger and punch speed. Our results show that adding an emotional component to virtual coaches into exergames is promising for increasing motivation and performance. This study highlights the positive effects of emotional virtual characters for improving VR exergames and, therefore, players' health.


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  1. Emotional Virtual Characters for Improving Motivation and Performance in VR Exergames



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    1. Agents
    2. Emotional Virtual Characters
    3. Emotions
    4. Exergames
    5. Virtual Reality


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