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View all- Ma XZhou QLi Y(2024)Multi-interest sequential recommendation with contrastive learning and temporal analysisKnowledge-Based Systems10.1016/j.knosys.2024.112657305(112657)Online publication date: Dec-2024
Top-N item recommendation is one of the important tasks of recommenders. Collaborative filtering is the most popular approach to building recommender systems which can predict ratings for a given user and item. Collaborative filtering can be extended ...
We present a music recommendation system that incorporates both collaborative filtering and mood-based recommendations. The benefits of incorporating mood-based recommendations over both content/genre-based and collaborative filtering-based ...
Collaborative filtering (CF) is an important and popular technology for recommender systems. However, current CF methods suffer from such problems as data sparsity, recommendation inaccuracy, and big-error in predictions. In this paper, we borrow ideas ...
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