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Front Matter
The Road Ahead for Supervisor Synthesis
- M. A. Goorden,
- L. Moormann,
- F. F. H. Reijnen,
- J. J. Verbakel,
- D. A. van Beek,
- A. T. Hofkamp,
- J. M. van de Mortel-Fronczak,
- M. A. Reniers,
- W. J. Fokkink,
- J. E. Rooda,
- L. F. P. Etman
This paper reports on recent research advances in supervisor synthesis, as well as industrial applications and future research challenges, especially in the context of a research project funded by Rijkswaterstaat, responsible for the construction ...
Graph Transformation Systems: A Semantics Based on (Stochastic) Symmetric Nets
Graph transformation systems (GTS) and Petri nets (PN) are central formal models for concurrent/distributed systems. PN are usually considered as instances of GTS, due to the lack of ability to dynamically adapt their structure. Reversing this ...
Modelling and Implementation of Unmanned Aircraft Collision Avoidance
With the increasing application of unmanned aircraft in civil airspace, collision avoidance systems for unmanned aircraft are becoming more and more important and valuable. An ideal collision avoidance system gives the aircraft an optimal strategy ...
Randomized Refinement Checking of Timed I/O Automata
To combat the state-space explosion problem and ease system development, we present a new refinement checking (falsification) method for Timed I/O Automata based on random walks. Our memory-less heuristics Random Enabled Transition (RET) and ...
Computing Linear Arithmetic Representation of Reachability Relation of One-Counter Automata
One-counter automata (OCA) are a well-studied automata model that extends finite-state automata with one counter. The reachability problem of OCA was shown to be NP-complete when the integers in the OCA are encoded in binary. In this paper, we ...
Compiling FL on Finite Words
Interpreting temporal logics on finite traces has specific use in many fields, and it attracts more and more attention in recent years. Foundation formulas (FL for short) is the core part of PSL, which has once been an industrial standard of ...
Symbolic Model Checking with Sentential Decision Diagrams
We demonstrate the viability of symbolic model checking using Sentential Decision Diagrams (SDD), in lieu of the more common Binary Decision Diagram (BDD). The SDD data structure can be up to exponentially more succinct than BDDs, using a ...
Probably Approximately Correct Interpolants Generation
In this paper we propose a linear programming based method to generate interpolants for two Boolean formulas in the framework of probably approximately correct (PAC) learning. The computed interpolant is termed as a PAC interpolant with respect to ...
Symbolic Verification of MPI Programs with Non-deterministic Synchronizations
Message Passing Interface (MPI) is the current de-facto standard for developing applications in high-performance computing. MPI allows flexible implementations of message passing operations, which introduces non-deterministic synchronizations that ...
Learning Safe Neural Network Controllers with Barrier Certificates
We provide a novel approach to synthesize controllers for nonlinear continuous dynamical systems with control against safety properties. The controllers are based on neural networks (NNs). To certify the safety property we utilize barrier ...
Software Defect-Proneness Prediction with Package Cohesion and Coupling Metrics Based on Complex Network Theory
Driven by functionality requirements, software codes are increasingly inflated, and invocations between codes are frequent and random. This makes it difficult for programmers to be thoughtful when modifying code, increasing the risk of defects. In ...
Index Terms
- Dependable Software Engineering. Theories, Tools, and Applications: 6th International Symposium, SETTA 2020, Guangzhou, China, November 24–27, 2020, Proceedings
Current perspectives on the software engineering process
AbstractThis volume comprises a selected set of high‐quality and extended articles of the 26th Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement (EuroSPI) Conference, held during September 18–20, 2019 in Edinburgh, UK. Conferences were held in Dublin (...