Quaternion‐based adaptive control for trajectory tracking of quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicles
The problem of trajectory tracking of aerial vehicles with four rotors and dynamic parameter uncertainties is addressed in this article. By exploiting the cascade structure of the translational and attitude dynamics of the quadrotor, a nonlinear ...
Sampled‐data filter design for large‐scale interconnected systems with sensor fault and missing measurements
This article focuses on a decentralized sampled‐data filter design for a class of large‐scale interconnected systems. Precisely in the addressed system, the inevitable factors such as missing measurements, time‐varying delays, randomly occurring ...
Mixture ratio modeling of dynamic systems
Any knowledge extraction relies (possibly implicitly) on a hypothesis about the modelled‐data dependence. The extracted knowledge ultimately serves to a decision‐making (DM). DM always faces uncertainty and this makes probabilistic modelling ...
Hierarchical recursive signal modeling for multifrequency signals based on discrete measured data
This paper studies the problem of parameter estimation for the multifrequency sine signals, which have multiple characteristic parameters such as the amplitudes, phases, and frequencies. It is noted that the signal output is nonlinear with respect ...
Weighted couple‐group consensus for a kind of discrete heterogeneous multiagent systems in cooperative–competitive networks based on self‐adaptive controller
In this article, the weighted couple‐group consensus is studied for a kind of discrete heterogeneous multiagent systems with time delays. Based on self‐adaptive controller and cooperative–competitive relation, a novel weighted couple‐group protocol ...
Adaptive multi‐dimensional Taylor network funnel control of a class of nonlinear systems with asymmetric input saturation
In view of the result and performance of control are affected by the existence of input constraints and requirements, adaptive multi‐dimensional Taylor network (MTN) funnel control problem is studied for a class of nonlinear systems with asymmetric ...
Adaptive fuzzy finite‐time quantized control for stochastic nonlinear systems with full state constraints
This article studies the adaptive fuzzy finite‐time quantized control problem of stochastic nonlinear nonstrict‐feedback systems with full state constraints. During the control design process, fuzzy logic systems are used to identify the unknown ...
Full and reduced‐order H∞ filtering of Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy time‐varying delay systems: Input–output approach
This article addresses the issue of delay‐dependent H∞ filtering design for TakagiŮSugeno fuzzy time‐varying delay systems using the input–output approach. A three‐term approximation model has been used to transform the original system into two ...
Adaptive preview control with deck motion compensation for autonomous carrier landing of an aircraft
In this article, an autonomous carrier landing problem of an aircraft is addressed by developing an autonomous carrier landing system (ACLS) composed of previewable guidance and control systems. In the guidance system, an appropriate touchdown ...
Stable adaptive identification of fully‐coupled second‐order 6 degree‐of‐freedom nonlinear plant models for underwater vehicles: Theory and experimental evaluation
This article reports the development, stability analysis, and experimental evaluation of a novel adaptive identification (AID) algorithm for underwater vehicles (UVs) for on‐line estimation of plant parameters (hydrodynamic mass, quadratic drag, ...
Parameter identification for Wiener‐finite impulse response system with output data of missing completely at random mechanism and time delay
In this paper, the parameter estimation issue of Wiener system with random time delay and missing output data is studied. The linear part of Wiener system is described by Finite Impulse Response (FIR) model. The mathematical formula of the ...
Actuator fault estimation based on generalized learning observer for quasi‐linear parameter varying systems
- Israel I. Zetina‐Rios,
- Gloria‐L. Osorio‐Gordillo,
- Rodolfo A. Vargas‐Méndez,
- Guadalupe Madrigal‐Espinosa,
- Carlos‐M. Astorga‐Zaragoza
This article presents a generalized learning observer (GLO) design for the simultaneous estimation of states and actuator faults for polytopic quasi‐linear parameter varying systems. The proposed approach is based on the use of a GLO, which ...
Robust fault estimation and fault‐tolerant tracking control for uncertain Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy systems: Application to single link manipulator
This article concerns the estimation and tracking control problems for Takagi–Sugeno systems with disturbances and norm bounded uncertainties in presence of sensor and actuator faults (SAF). First, we propose a robust fuzzy observer (RFO) design ...
Asymptotic consensus via switching adaptive for nonlinear multi‐agent systems subject to atypical disturbances
The paper is devoted to the asymptotic output consensus for a class of uncertain nonlinear multi‐agent systems. The disturbance that the system suffered is said to be “atypical" since, unlike the related literature, it is unnecessarily continuously ...