Case‐ and Constraint‐Based Project Planning for Apartment Construction
To effectively generate a fast and consistent apartment construction project network, Hyundai Engineering and Construction and Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology developed a case‐ and constraint‐based project‐planning expert system for an ...
Crews_ns: Scheduling Train Crews in The Netherlands
We present a system, crews_ns, that is used in the long‐term scheduling of drivers and guards for the Dutch Railways. crews_ns schedules the work of about 5000 people. crews_ns is built on top of crews, a scheduling tool for speeding the development of ...
An Intelligent System for Case Review and Risk Assessment in Social Services
This article reports on the development and implementation of disxpert, an intelligent rule‐based system tool for referral of social security disability recipients to vocational rehabilitation services. The growing use of paraprofessionals as caseworkers ...
Chemreg: Using Case‐Based Reasoning to Support Health and Safety Compliance in the Chemical Industry
chemreg is a large knowledge‐based system used by Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., to support compliance with regulatory requirements for communicating health and safety information in the shipping and handling of chemical products. This article ...
Mita: An Information‐Extraction Approach to the Analysis of Free‐Form Text in Life Insurance Applications
MetLife processes over 260,000 life insurance applications a year. Underwriting of these applications is labor intensive. Automation is difficult because the applications include many free‐form text fields. MetLife's intelligent text analyzer (mita) uses ...
Combining Neural Networks and Context‐Driven Search for Online, Printed Handwriting Recognition in the Newton
While online handwriting recognition is an area of long‐standing and ongoing research, the recent emergence of portable, pen‐based computers has focused urgent attention on usable, practical solutions. We discuss a combination and improvement of classical ...
What Are Intelligence? And Why? 1996 AAAI Presidential Address
This article, derived from the 1996 American Association for Artificial Intelligence Presidential Address, explores the notion of intelligence from a variety of perspectives and finds that it “are” many things. It has, for example, been interpreted in a ...
AI, Decision Science, and Psychological Theory in Decisions about People
AI theory and its technology is rarely consulted in attempted resolutions of social problems. Solutions often require that decision‐analytic techniques be combined with expert systems. The emerging literature on combined systems is directed at domains ...
AAAI‐97 Workshop on AI and Knowledge Management
This article describes a one‐day workshop entitled AI and Knowledge Management that was held at the Fourteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence. The workshop was successful in identifying areas where AI techniques can be used to help those ...