Review on teaching and learning of computational thinking through programming
Programming can help foster computational thinking (CT).Lack of programming-related studies for K-12 despite increased interest.Future studies can focus on intervention in regular classroom setting.Examine programming process with think-aloud protocol ...
The measurement of Internet addiction
We present an exhaustive review of existing Internet addiction scales.Fourty-five tools assessing Internet addiction were identified.Most of the existing scales for Internet addiction require further validation work.We discuss the psychometric ...
Internet addiction among Chinese adolescents
Adolescents with IA experience more unfavorable parental behavior than the non-IA.Adolescents with IA have lower capacity of self-control than the non-IA.Parental behavior and self-control both predict Internet addiction directly.Self-control also acts ...
Video games and prosocial behavior
Recent research on violent video game effects on prosocial behavior is mixed.Current experiment aimed to address methodology concerns of past research.In the present experiment, violent games have no bearing on prosociality compared to non-violent ...
"Maybe you don't want to face it" - College students' perspectives on cyberbullying
We reported focus group data on college-level cyberbullying in a social context.The stigma of cyberbullying in college influences avoidance of the problem.Cyberbullying terminology was often misunderstood affecting case identification.A multi-level ...
An eye movement analysis of highlighting and graphic organizer study aids for learning from expository text
It uses eye-tracking to examine how study activities affect cognitive processing.It examines cognitive processing in highlighting and graphic organizer study aids.Graphic organizers improve memory and comprehension but highlighting only memory.Eye-...
Glancing up or down
We tracked social network site browsing after inducing negative or positive mood.The site featured upward or downward social comparison targets on two dimensions.Negative moods led to less upward and more downward social comparison exposure.Mood effect ...
Promote physical activity among college students
We model four websites to promote physical activity among college students.The websites differ by levels of media richness and interactivity.Media richness affects college students' intention to visit a fitness center.Interactivity affects the intention ...
Emergent behaviors in computer-based learning environments
Students' interactions within the game-based ITS, iSTART-ME, varied as a function of individual differences in reading ability.Dynamical analyses and system log data revealed computational signals of variations in controlled and self-regulated ...
Reading this may harm your computer
Effectiveness of browser malware warnings was tested.We confirmed the existence of status quo bias in browser usage.Psychology of persuasion findings were used to increase warnings effectiveness.We confirmed that individuals tend to ignore browser ...
Comparing the effects of worked examples and modeling examples on learning
Two experiments examined how the design of examples affects learning.Written text+picture, auditory text+picture, and demonstration examples were compared.Adolescents learned how to solve probability calculation problems from these examples.Results ...
Word sense disambiguation using evolutionary algorithms - Application to Arabic language
Genetic and memetic algorithms are used to solve the word sense disambiguation problem.Applicability of these algorithms to Modern Standard Arabic is demonstrated by quantifying their potential benefits.Genetic algorithm outperforms memetic algorithm ...
Examining WeChat users' motivations, trust, attitudes, and positive word-of-mouth
Entertainment, sociality, and information positively influence users' attitudes.Trust has a positive effect on WeChat users' attitudes.Increasing users' trust will increase their willingness in making positive WOM.Improving users' attitudes will enhance ...
Effects of luminance and illuminance on visual fatigue and arousal during digital reading
We studied the effect of luminance and illuminance on visual fatigue and arousal.We employed an approach based on eye, performance and subjective measures.Higher levels of screen luminance increase visual fatigue.Higher levels of either screen luminance ...
Effects of visual feedback on medical students' procrastination within web-based planning and reflection protocols
We evaluated the effects of visual feedback on procrastination.We designed two experimental longitudinal studies with between-subject design.A graphical visualization of procrastination caused decreased procrastination.The visualization improved self-...
Association between online harassment and exposure to harmful online content
Cross-national survey study on the association between online harassment and exposure to harmful online content.Being a victim of online harassment has a statistically significant association with exposure to harmful online content.In particular, ...
Who am I? Representing the self offline and in different online contexts
- Lia Emanuel,
- Greg J. Neil,
- Chris Bevan,
- Danaë Stanton Fraser,
- Sarah V. Stevenage,
- Monica T. Whitty,
- Sue Jamison-Powell
Influence of four offline and online contexts on self-disclosure is examined.Individuals disclose the more information offline than any online context.Type of online space influenced the amount and type of information disclosed.Contextual factors ...
The effects of individual differences on e-learning users' behaviour in developing countries
We extended the TAM in the context of e-learning in developing countries (Lebanon).We examined if social influence affect the user perceptions towards using e-learning.Examined the moderating effect of gender, age and experience on the key factors.The ...
With a little help of my peers. The supportive role of online contacts for the unemployed
The Internet is used for coping purposes by the majority of the unemployed.Support obtained through social media affect job search self-efficacy.There are group differences in the effect on active job search behaviour.Self-efficacy is more important for ...
The sending and receiving of sexually explicit cell phone photos ("Sexting") while in high school
Display Omitted Previous reports of prevalence rates of sexting by teens vary greatly.We surveyed college students regarding their sexting while in high school.Over 19% of students acknowledged having sent nude cell phone picture of themselves.Over 38% ...
Professional or interactive
We examined the effect of CEO image strategy on follower loyalty in microblogs.Four types of CEO image strategies were identified.Followers are fondest of CEOs classified as experts rather than as friends.Usage orientation moderates the effect of CEO ...
The effect of gratifications derived from use of the social networking site Qzone on Chinese adolescents' positive mood
Survey among 220 Chinese adolescents with Qzone social networking site profiles.Provides support for applying Uses and Gratifications Theory to social media.Positive relationship between gratifications derived from use of Qzone SNS and adolescents' ...
Competent or clueless? Users' knowledge and misconceptions about their online privacy management
We examined students' (meta-)knowledge about their self-disclosures on Facebook.Students knew well what information they had disclosed, but not to which audience.Students both overestimated and underestimated the extent of their privacy.Students' ...
Everyday deception or a few prolific liars? The prevalence of lies in text messaging
Most people tell lies over text messaging, and a minority of those people do so frequently.The goals of text messaging impact the properties of deceptive text messages relative to face-to-face lies.There is some indication that deception occurs less ...
Social network site use, mobile personal talk and social capital among teenagers
Mobile personal talk has a positive relationship with network capital among teens.SNS adoption and mobile personal talk jointly predict teens' civic participation.Different SNS activities have different relationships with social capital.Mobile talk ...
What's going on? Age, distraction, and multitasking during online survey taking
Participants in an online survey revealed what other activities they engaged in while taking it.Younger people were more likely than older people to multitask.The relationship between age, multitasking, and sense of distraction was curvilinear.Most ...
Getting close from far away
Attachment is a meaningful construct for understanding blogging behavior.Attachment anxiety is positively related to blogging intensity.Attachment anxiety predicts being motivated to blog by personal and interpersonal needs.Avoidant attachment is ...
Cyberbullying among high school students in Japan
A self-report questionnaire was administered to 887 high-school students.Exploratory factor analysis yielded two factors - benign and toxic disinhibition.The two factor solution was validated using confirmatory factor analysis.Students involved in ...
Increasing exergame physical activity through self and opponent avatar appearance
We manipulated the appearance of self and opponent avatars in an exergame.Using a normal weight (vs. obese) avatar boosted physical activity in real life.Physical activity was increased when self and opponent avatars had normal weight.Physical activity ...