Sharing Your Story
IEEE Software Editor-in-Chief Forrest Shull discusses the value of experience reports and how they can bring practical advice and perspective that simple metrics are not always able to provide. In addition, he discusses Software Experts Summit 2013 and ...
Storytelling for Software Professionals
The first book I read about storytelling was by David Armstrong, then vice president of Armstrong International. I was skeptical at first, but got caught up in the stories. As I got more into patterns, I found that in trying to tell readers about my ...
Are Requirements Alive and Kicking?
The importance of discovering and understanding stakeholders' needs and delivering quality products that meet those needs is timeless. Nevertheless, dramatic changes in the IT environment over the past decade have introduced challenges that demand new ...
In Defense of Boring
On the one hand, we seek to build software-intensive systems that are innovative, elegant, and supremely useful. On the other hand, computing technology as a thing unto itself is not the place of enduring value, and therefore, as computing fills the ...
Systems Software
Systems software is the low-level infrastructure that applications run on. As an applications programmer, first try to find existing systems software rather than writing it from scratch. Once you start writing systems software, use the most efficient ...
Software Agents in Industrial Automation Systems
Agent orientation is moving from its origins in computer science into applied automation systems engineering. The main benefit of using software agents in industrial automation is the combined application of agent-oriented software engineering with ...
Safety-Critical Software [Guest editors' introduction]
We live in a world in which our safety depends on software-intensive systems. This is the case for the aeronautic, automotive, medical, nuclear, and railway sectors as well as many more. Organizations everywhere are struggling to find cost-effective ...
Model-Based Development and Formal Methods in the Railway Industry
The transition from a code-based process to a model-based process isn't easy. This is particularly true for a company that operates in a safety-critical sector, where the products must be developed according to international standards, with certified ...
Validating Software Reliability Early through Statistical Model Checking
Conventional software reliability assessment validates a system's reliability only at the end of development, resulting in costly defect correction. A proposed framework employs statistical model checking (SMC) to validate reliability at an early stage. ...
Engineering Air Traffic Control Systems with a Model-Driven Approach
Testing software in air traffic control systems costs much more than building them. This is basically true in every domain producing software-intensive critical systems. Software engineers strive to find methodological and process-level solutions to ...
Testing or Formal Verification: DO-178C Alternatives and Industrial Experience
Software for commercial aircraft is subject to the stringent certification processes described in the DO-178B standard, "Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification." Issued in 1992, this document focuses strongly on the ...
Strategic Traceability for Safety-Critical Projects
To support any claim that a product is safe for its intended use, manufacturers must establish traceability within that product's development life cycle. Unfortunately, traceability information submitted to regulators and third parties is often weak, ...
Flight Control Software: Mistakes Made and Lessons Learned
Aerospace or flight control systems software development follows a rigorous process according to the RTCA DO-178B standard, yet software errors still occur. A review of the mistakes found during flight control test activities spanning 23 years reveals ...
SCEPYLT: An Information System for Fighting Terrorism
A safety-critical software system called SCEPYLT provides an information solution for a field traditionally not computerized: explosives and their associated risks in handling, storage, transport, and use. SCEPYLT is a model for cooperative distributed ...
Software Sketchifying: Bringing Innovation into Software Development
Inspired by general ideas about how the automotive industry brings innovation into lean manufacturing, the author proposes introducing an activity called software sketchifying into software product development. Sketchifying aims to stimulate software ...
The Generational Impact of Software
Eighteen Impact columns to date have talked only about growing software. Les Hatton, Anne Rutkowski, and Carol Saunders indicate that there are also limits to growth in our field.
Beyond Data Mining
Last century, it wasn't known if data miners could find structure within software projects. This century, we know better: data mining has been successfully applied to many different artifacts from software projects. So it's time to move on to "What's ...