Securing the Network Time Protocol: Crackers discover how to use NTP as a weapon for abuse.
In the late 1970s David L. Mills began working on the problem of synchronizing time on networked computers, and NTP (Network Time Protocol) version 1 made its debut in 1980. This was at a time when the net was a much friendlier place - the ARPANET days. ...
Model-based Testing: Where Does It Stand?: MBT has positive effects on efficiency and effectiveness, even if it only partially fulfills high expectations.
You have probably heard about MBT (model-based testing), but like many software-engineering professionals who have not used MBT, you might be curious about others’ experience with this test-design method. From mid-June 2014 to early August 2014, we ...
META II: Digital Vellum in the Digital Scriptorium: Revisiting Schorre’s 1962 compiler-compiler
Some people do living history -- reviving older skills and material culture by reenacting Waterloo or knapping flint knives. One pleasant rainy weekend in 2012, I set my sights a little more recently and settled in for a little meditative retro-...
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