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Near-Optimality in Covering Games by Exposing Global Information
Mechanism design for distributed systems is fundamentally concerned with aligning individual incentives with social welfare to avoid socially inefficient outcomes that can arise from agents acting autonomously. One simple and natural approach is to ...
Weighted Congestion Games: The Price of Anarchy, Universal Worst-Case Examples, and Tightness
We characterize the Price of Anarchy (POA) in weighted congestion games, as a function of the allowable resource cost functions. Our results provide as thorough an understanding of this quantity as is already known for nonatomic and unweighted ...
On the Power of Deterministic Mechanisms for Facility Location Games
We consider K-Facility Location games, where n strategic agents report their locations in a metric space and a mechanism maps them to K facilities. The agents seek to minimize their connection cost, namely the distance of their true location to the ...
Implementation and Computation of a Value for Generalized Characteristic Function Games
- Tomasz P. Michalak,
- Piotr L. Szczepański,
- Talal Rahwan,
- Agata Chrobak,
- Simina Brânzei,
- Michael Wooldridge,
- Nicholas R. Jennings
Generalized characteristic function games are a variation of characteristic function games, in which the value of a coalition depends not only on the identities of its members, but also on the order in which the coalition is formed. This class of games ...
Altruism and Its Impact on the Price of Anarchy
We study the inefficiency of equilibria for congestion games when players are (partially) altruistic. We model altruistic behavior by assuming that player i's perceived cost is a convex combination of αi times his direct cost and αi times the social ...