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- research-articleJuly 2010
Sampling-based contact-rich motion control
SIGGRAPH '10: ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 papersArticle No.: 128, Pages 1–10https://doi.org/10.1145/1833349.1778865Human motions are the product of internal and external forces, but these forces are very difficult to measure in a general setting. Given a motion capture trajectory, we propose a method to reconstruct its open-loop control and the implicit contact ...
- research-articleJuly 2010
A wave-based anisotropic quadrangulation method
SIGGRAPH '10: ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 papersArticle No.: 118, Pages 1–8https://doi.org/10.1145/1833349.1778855This paper proposes a new method for remeshing a surface into anisotropically sized quads. The basic idea is to construct a special standing wave on the surface to generate the global quadrilateral structure. This wave based quadrangulation method is ...
- research-articleJuly 2010
Filament-based smoke with vortex shedding and variational reconnection
SIGGRAPH '10: ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 papersArticle No.: 115, Pages 1–12https://doi.org/10.1145/1833349.1778852Simulating fluids based on vortex filaments is highly attractive for the creation of special effects because it gives artists full control over the simulation using familiar tools like curve editors or the scripted generation of new vortex filaments ...
- research-articleJuly 2010
A novel algorithm for incompressible flow using only a coarse grid projection
SIGGRAPH '10: ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 papersArticle No.: 114, Pages 1–9https://doi.org/10.1145/1833349.1778851Large scale fluid simulation can be difficult using existing techniques due to the high computational cost of using large grids. We present a novel technique for simulating detailed fluids quickly. Our technique coarsens the Eulerian fluid grid during ...
- research-articleJuly 2010
Efficient yarn-based cloth with adaptive contact linearization
SIGGRAPH '10: ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 papersArticle No.: 105, Pages 1–10https://doi.org/10.1145/1833349.1778842Yarn-based cloth simulation can improve visual quality but at high computational costs due to the reliance on numerous persistent yarn-yarn contacts to generate material behavior. Finding so many contacts in densely interlinked geometry is a ...
- research-articleJuly 2010
SmartBoxes for interactive urban reconstruction
SIGGRAPH '10: ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 papersArticle No.: 93, Pages 1–10https://doi.org/10.1145/1833349.1778830We introduce an interactive tool which enables a user to quickly assemble an architectural model directly over a 3D point cloud acquired from large-scale scanning of an urban scene. The user loosely defines and manipulates simple building blocks, which ...
- research-articleJuly 2010
Unstructured video-based rendering: interactive exploration of casually captured videos
SIGGRAPH '10: ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 papersArticle No.: 87, Pages 1–11https://doi.org/10.1145/1833349.1778824We present an algorithm designed for navigating around a performance that was filmed as a "casual" multi-view video collection: real-world footage captured on hand held cameras by a few audience members. The objective is to easily navigate in 3D, ...
- research-articleJuly 2010
Subspace self-collision culling
SIGGRAPH '10: ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 papersArticle No.: 81, Pages 1–9https://doi.org/10.1145/1833349.1778818We show how to greatly accelerate self-collision detection (SCD) for reduced deformable models. Given a triangle mesh and a set of deformation modes, our method precomputes Subspace Self-Collision Culling (SSCC) certificates which, if satisfied, prove ...
- research-articleJuly 2010
Optimizing walking controllers for uncertain inputs and environments
SIGGRAPH '10: ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 papersArticle No.: 73, Pages 1–8https://doi.org/10.1145/1833349.1778810We introduce methods for optimizing physics-based walking controllers for robustness to uncertainty. Many unknown factors, such as external forces, control torques, and user control inputs, cannot be known in advance and must be treated as uncertain. ...
- research-articleJuly 2010
Rigid-body fracture sound with precomputed soundbanks
SIGGRAPH '10: ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 papersArticle No.: 69, Pages 1–13https://doi.org/10.1145/1833349.1778806We propose a physically based algorithm for synthesizing sounds synchronized with brittle fracture animations. Motivated by laboratory experiments, we approximate brittle fracture sounds using time-varying rigid-body sound models. We extend methods for ...
- research-articleJuly 2010Seminal Paper
Design and fabrication of materials with desired deformation behavior
- Bernd Bickel,
- Moritz Bächer,
- Miguel A. Otaduy,
- Hyunho Richard Lee,
- Hanspeter Pfister,
- Markus Gross,
- Wojciech Matusik
SIGGRAPH '10: ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 papersArticle No.: 63, Pages 1–10https://doi.org/10.1145/1833349.1778800This paper introduces a data-driven process for designing and fabricating materials with desired deformation behavior. Our process starts with measuring deformation properties of base materials. For each base material we acquire a set of example ...
- research-articleJuly 2010
Illustrating how mechanical assemblies work
SIGGRAPH '10: ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 papersArticle No.: 58, Pages 1–12https://doi.org/10.1145/1833349.1778795How things work visualizations use a variety of visual techniques to depict the operation of complex mechanical assemblies. We present an automated approach for generating such visualizations. Starting with a 3D CAD model of an assembly, we first infer ...
- research-articleJuly 2010
Structure-based ASCII art
SIGGRAPH '10: ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 papersArticle No.: 52, Pages 1–10https://doi.org/10.1145/1833349.1778789The wide availability and popularity of text-based communication channels encourage the usage of ASCII art in representing images. Existing tone-based ASCII art generation methods lead to halftone-like results and require high text resolution for ...
- research-articleJuly 2010
Physics-inspired topology changes for thin fluid features
SIGGRAPH '10: ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 papersArticle No.: 50, Pages 1–8https://doi.org/10.1145/1833349.1778787We propose a mesh-based surface tracking method for fluid animation that both preserves fine surface details and robustly adjusts the topology of the surface in the presence of arbitrarily thin features like sheets and strands. We replace traditional re-...
- research-articleJuly 2010
Dynamic local remeshing for elastoplastic simulation
SIGGRAPH '10: ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 papersArticle No.: 49, Pages 1–11https://doi.org/10.1145/1833349.1778786We propose a finite element simulation method that addresses the full range of material behavior, from purely elastic to highly plastic, for physical domains that are substantially reshaped by plastic flow, fracture, or large elastic deformations. To ...
- research-articleJuly 2010
A multiscale approach to mesh-based surface tension flows
SIGGRAPH '10: ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 papersArticle No.: 48, Pages 1–10https://doi.org/10.1145/1833349.1778785We present an approach to simulate flows driven by surface tension based on triangle meshes. Our method consists of two simulation layers: the first layer is an Eulerian method for simulating surface tension forces that is free from typical strict time ...
- research-articleJuly 2010
Paneling architectural freeform surfaces
SIGGRAPH '10: ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 papersArticle No.: 45, Pages 1–10https://doi.org/10.1145/1833349.1778782The emergence of large-scale freeform shapes in architecture poses big challenges to the fabrication of such structures. A key problem is the approximation of the design surface by a union of patches, so-called panels, that can be manufactured with a ...
- research-articleJuly 2010
K-set tilable surfaces
SIGGRAPH '10: ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 papersArticle No.: 44, Pages 1–6https://doi.org/10.1145/1833349.1778781This paper introduces a method for optimizing the tiles of a quad-mesh. Given a quad-based surface, the goal is to generate a set of K quads whose instances can produce a tiled surface that approximates the input surface. A solution to the problem is a ...