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Blaming the client: on data refinement in the presence of pointers

Published: 01 September 2010 Publication History


Data refinement is a common approach to reasoning about programs, based on establishing that a concrete program indeed satisfies all the required properties imposed by an intended abstract pattern. Reasoning about programs in this setting becomes complex when use of pointers is assumed and, moreover, a well-known method for proving data refinement, namely the forward simulation method, becomes unsound in presence of pointers. The reason for unsoundness is the failure of the “lifting theorem” for simulations: that a simulation between abstract and concrete modules can be lifted to all client programs. The result is that simulation does not imply that a concrete can replace an abstract module in all contexts. Our diagnosis of this problem is that unsoundness is due to interference from the client programs. Rather than blame a module for the unsoundness of lifting simulations, our analysis places the blame on the client programs which cause the interference: when interference is not present, soundness is recovered. Technically, we present a novel instrumented semantics which is capable of detecting interference between a module and its client. With use of special simulation relations, namely growing relations, and interpreting the simulation method using the instrumented semantics, we obtain a lifting theorem. We then show situations under which simulation does indeed imply refinement.



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Published In

cover image Formal Aspects of Computing
Formal Aspects of Computing  Volume 22, Issue 5
Sep 2010
171 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents



Berlin, Heidelberg

Publication History

Published: 01 September 2010
Accepted: 04 September 2009
Received: 02 July 2008
Published in FAC Volume 22, Issue 5

Author Tags

  1. Data refinement
  2. Separation logic
  3. Pointer aliasing
  4. Interference


  • Research-article


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  • (2014)A fully abstract trace-based semantics for reasoning about backward compatibility of class librariesScience of Computer Programming10.1016/j.scico.2013.10.00292(129-161)Online publication date: Oct-2014
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