The recent development of technologies for investigating specific components of intact biological systems has allowed elucidation of the neural circuitry underlying adaptive and maladaptive behaviours. Investigators are now able to observe and control, with high spatio-temporal resolution, structurally defined intact pathways along which electrical activity flows during and after the performance of complex behaviours. These investigations have revealed that control of projection-specific dynamics is well suited to modulating behavioural patterns that are relevant to a broad range of psychiatric diseases. Structural dynamics principles have emerged to provide diverse, unexpected and causal insights into the operation of intact and diseased nervous systems, linking form and function in the brain.
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I am deeply indebted to my patients over the years for their insight, perseverance and strength in working to convey the most complex and nearly inarticulatable inner thought processes and feelings associated with severe psychiatric disease. I am also grateful to my entire laboratory for support, as well as to V. Sohal, A. Schatzberg, H. Mayberg, R. Malenka, A. Etkin, L. Grosenick, A. Kreitzer, T. Insel, M. Warden, M. Zelikowsky and E. Ferenczi for comments and discussions over the years. K.D. has been supported by the Wiegers Family Fund, NARSAD, NIMH, NIDA, DARPA, the Keck Foundation, the McKnight Foundation, the Yu, Snyder and Woo Foundations, and the Gatsby Charitable Foundation.
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Deisseroth, K. Circuit dynamics of adaptive and maladaptive behaviour. Nature 505, 309â317 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1038/nature12982
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/nature12982