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Electric-dipole-induced spin resonance in disordered semiconductors


One of the hallmarks of spintronics is the control of magnetic moments by electric fields enabled by strong spin–orbit interaction (SOI) in semiconductors. A powerful way of manipulating spins in such structures is electric-dipole-induced spin resonance (EDSR), where the radio-frequency fields driving the spins are electric, not magnetic as in standard paramagnetic resonance. Here, we present a theoretical study of EDSR for a two-dimensional electron gas in the presence of disorder, where random impurities not only determine the electric resistance but also the spin dynamics through SOI. Considering a specific geometry with the electric and magnetic fields parallel and in-plane, we show that the magnetization develops an out-of-plane component at resonance that survives the presence of disorder. We also discuss the spin Hall current generated by EDSR. These results are derived in a diagrammatic approach, with the dominant effects coming from the spin vertex correction, and the optimal parameter regime for observation is identified.

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Figure 1: Setup for EDSR.
Figure 2: Diagrammatic equation for the spin-vertex correction .
Figure 3: EDSR and linewidth in a disordered 2DEG.

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We thank O. Chalaev, J. Lehmann, D. Bulaev, W. Coish, S. Erlingsson, D. Saraga, and D. Klauser for discussions. This work was supported by the Swiss NSF, the NCCR Nanoscience, EU RTN Spintronics, DARPA, and ONR.

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Duckheim, M., Loss, D. Electric-dipole-induced spin resonance in disordered semiconductors. Nature Phys 2, 195–199 (2006). https://doi.org/10.1038/nphys238

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