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Three-dimensional X-ray structural microscopy with submicrometre resolution


Advanced materials and processing techniques are based largely on the generation and control of non-homogeneous microstructures, such as precipitates and grain boundaries. X-ray tomography can provide three-dimensional density and chemical distributions of such structures with submicrometre resolution1; structural methods exist that give submicrometre resolution in two dimensions2,3,4,5,6,7,8; and techniques are available for obtaining grain-centroid positions and grain-average strains in three dimensions7,9. But non-destructive point-to-point three-dimensional structural probes have not hitherto been available for investigations at the critical mesoscopic length scales (tenths to hundreds of micrometres). As a result, investigations of three-dimensional mesoscale phenomena—such as grain growth10,11, deformation12,13,14,15,16, crumpling17,18,19 and strain-gradient effects20—rely increasingly on computation and modelling without direct experimental input. Here we describe a three-dimensional X-ray microscopy technique that uses polychromatic synchrotron X-ray microbeams to probe local crystal structure, orientation and strain tensors with submicrometre spatial resolution. We demonstrate the utility of this approach with micrometre-resolution three-dimensional measurements of grain orientations and sizes in polycrystalline aluminium, and with micrometre depth-resolved measurements of elastic strain tensors in cylindrically bent silicon. This technique is applicable to single-crystal, polycrystalline, composite and functionally graded materials.

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Figure 1: Differential-aperture X-ray (structural) microscopy depth-profiling method.
Figure 2: DAXM probe of the grain structure in polycrystalline Al.
Figure 3: DAXM orientation and strain measurements in cylindrically bent Si.
Figure 4: Depth-dependent strain tensor measurements for cylindrically bent Si.

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We thank H. Weiland, A. El-Azab, D. Maroudas and I. C. Noyan for discussions, and K.-S. Chung, W. Liu, J.-S. Chung, N. Tamura, E. Williams, W. P. Lowe and E. Dufresne for their contributions during this work. W.Y. is an ORISE fellow. The measurements were performed on the MHATT-CAT beam line at the Advanced Photon Source (APS), which is supported by the US Department of Energy, Office of Science. This research was sponsored by the US Department of Energy Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Materials Sciences, under contract with Oak Ridge National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle, LLC.

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Larson, B., Yang, W., Ice, G. et al. Three-dimensional X-ray structural microscopy with submicrometre resolution. Nature 415, 887–890 (2002). https://doi.org/10.1038/415887a

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