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RaWMS - Random Walk Based Lightweight Membership Service for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

Published: 01 June 2008 Publication History


This article presents RaWMS, a novel lightweight random membership service for ad hoc networks. The service provides each node with a partial uniformly chosen view of network nodes. Such a membership service is useful, for example, in data dissemination algorithms, lookup and discovery services, peer sampling services, and complete membership construction. The design of RaWMS is based on a novel reverse random walk (RW) sampling technique. The article includes a formal analysis of both the reverse RW sampling technique and RaWMS and verifies it through a detailed simulation study. In addition, RaWMS is compared both analytically and by simulations with a number of other known methods such as flooding and gossip-based techniques.


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John W. Fendrich

A random walk is a trajectory made up of a series of random steps. This paper reports on using the results of the topological study of random walks (RWs) on random geometric graphs to model the network connectivity graph of two-dimensional wireless ad hoc networks and sensor networks, to provide network membership services and applications in a novel fashion. It consists of discussions organized into several sections: "Introduction," "System Model," "Random Walk Techniques," "Random Walk Based Membership Services," "Gossip Based Membership Services," "Simulations," "Related Work," and "Discussion and Conclusions." Five appendices discuss "Random Geometric Graphs," "Chernoff Bounds," "Reverse-RW-Based Uniform Sampling with a Proof of an Important Lemma," "Proof of Another Important Lemma," and "Mixing Time Bound for the Maximum Degree Random Walk." The system here is called random walk membership service (RaWMS). It is a novel alternative to other technologies providing membership services. Its uses are asserted to be for data dissemination algorithms, lookup and discovery services, peer sampling services, complete membership construction, and peer-to-peer (P2P) anonymization. The only constraint to the presented strategies and algorithms is the mixing time, the length of the RW in the reverse sampling procedure. There are at least five opportunities for work on open research questions, including analyzing the exact relationship between mobility patterns and the required lengths of random walks (in the paper, this is done only by simulations). A discovery is that shorter RWs obtain better results than longer ones. Another opportunity then would be to develop protocols for measuring changes in node proximity in every node. Online Computing Reviews Service

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cover image ACM Transactions on Computer Systems
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems  Volume 26, Issue 2
June 2008
92 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 June 2008
Accepted: 01 May 2008
Revised: 01 February 2007
Received: 01 August 2006
Published in TOCS Volume 26, Issue 2


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  1. Ad hoc networks
  2. membership service
  3. random walk


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