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Light interaction with human skin: from believable images to predictable models

Published: 10 December 2008 Publication History


Recent research efforts in image synthesis have been directed toward the rendering of believable and predictable images of biological materials. This course addresses an important topic in this area, namely the predictive simulation of skin's appearance. The modeling approaches, algorithms and data examined during this course can be also applied to the rendering of other organic materials such as hair and ocular tissues.


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SIGGRAPH Asia '08: ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2008 courses
December 2008
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  • (2020)MobiEye: turning your smartphones into a ubiquitous unobtrusive vital sign monitoring systemCCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction10.1007/s42486-020-00033-32:2(97-112)Online publication date: 29-Jun-2020
  • (2015)Non-invasive estimation of skin thickness from hyperspectral imaging and validation using echographyComputers in Biology and Medicine10.1016/j.compbiomed.2014.12.01057:C(173-181)Online publication date: 1-Feb-2015
  • (2010)Scales and Scale‐like StructuresComputer Graphics Forum10.1111/j.1467-8659.2010.01774.x29:5(1653-1660)Online publication date: 21-Sep-2010
  • (2009)Biophysically-based appearance modelsACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2009 Courses10.1145/1665817.1665818(1-79)Online publication date: 16-Dec-2009

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