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View all- Le TGerla M(2017)An anycast routing strategy with time constraint in delay tolerant networks2017 16th Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop (Med-Hoc-Net)10.1109/MedHocNet.2017.8001637(1-6)Online publication date: Jun-2017
- Le TGerla M(2017)Social contact graph-based group communication schemes for delay tolerant networksInternational Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems10.1080/17445760.2017.1300802(1-15)Online publication date: 15-Mar-2017
- Zeng DTeng CYao HLiang QHu CYan X(2014)Stochastic Analysis of Epidemic Routing Based Anycast in Throwbox-Equipped DTNsProceedings of the 2014 IEEE 8th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Manycore SoCs10.1109/MCSoC.2014.20(77-81)Online publication date: 23-Sep-2014
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