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10.1145/1987875.1987880acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesicseConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Optimizing cost and quality by integrating inspection and test processes

Published: 21 May 2011 Publication History


Inspections and testing are two of the most commonly performed software quality assurance processes today. Typically, these processes are applied in isolation, which, however, fails to exploit the benefits of systematically combining and integrating them. Expected benefits of such process integration are higher defect detection rates or reduced quality assurance effort. Moreover, when conducting testing without any prior information regarding the system's quality, it is often unclear which parts or which defect types should be prioritized. Existing approaches do not explicitly use information from inspections in a systematical way to focus testing processes. In this article, we present an integrated two-stage approach that routes inspection data to test processes in order to prioritize code classes and defect types. While an initial version of the approach focused on prioritizing code classes, this article focuses on the prioritization of defect types for testing. Results from a case study where the approach was applied on the code level show that those defect types could be prioritized before the testing that afterwards actually showed up most often during the test process. In addition, an overview of related work and an outlook on future research directions are given.


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    ICSSP '11: Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Software and Systems Process
    May 2011
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    Published: 21 May 2011


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    1. case study
    2. defect types
    3. inspection
    4. odc
    5. quality assurance strategy
    6. testing
    7. testing focus
    8. two-stage prioritization


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