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Server-side verification of client behavior in online games

Published: 26 December 2008 Publication History


Online gaming is a lucrative and growing industry but one that is slowed by cheating that compromises the gaming experience and hence drives away players (and revenue). In this paper we develop a technique by which game developers can enable game operators to validate the behavior of game clients as being consistent with valid execution of the sanctioned client software. Our technique employs symbolic execution of the client software to extract constraints on client-side state implied by each client-to-server message, and then uses constraint solving to determine whether the sequence of client-to-server messages can be “explained” by any possible user inputs, in light of the server-to-client messages already received. The requisite constraints and solving components can be developed either simultaneously with the game or retroactively for existing games. We demonstrate our approach in three case studies on the open-source game XPilot, a game similar to Pac-Man of our own design, and an open-source multiplayer version of Tetris.


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ACM Transactions on Information and System Security  Volume 14, Issue 4
December 2011
138 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Accepted: 01 July 2011
Revised: 01 March 2011
Received: 01 July 2010
Published: 26 December 2008
Published in TISSEC Volume 14, Issue 4


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  2. cheat detection


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