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10.1145/2145816.2145831acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesppoppConference Proceedingsconference-collections

A GPU implementation of inclusion-based points-to analysis

Published: 25 February 2012 Publication History


Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) have emerged as powerful accelerators for many regular algorithms that operate on dense arrays and matrices. In contrast, we know relatively little about using GPUs to accelerate highly irregular algorithms that operate on pointer-based data structures such as graphs. For the most part, research has focused on GPU implementations of graph analysis algorithms that do not modify the structure of the graph, such as algorithms for breadth-first search and strongly-connected components.
In this paper, we describe a high-performance GPU implementation of an important graph algorithm used in compilers such as gcc and LLVM: Andersen-style inclusion-based points-to analysis. This algorithm is challenging to parallelize effectively on GPUs because it makes extensive modifications to the structure of the underlying graph and performs relatively little computation. In spite of this, our program, when executed on a 14 Streaming Multiprocessor GPU, achieves an average speedup of 7x compared to a sequential CPU implementation and outperforms a parallel implementation of the same algorithm running on 16 CPU cores.
Our implementation provides general insights into how to produce high-performance GPU implementations of graph algorithms, and it highlights key differences between optimizing parallel programs for multicore CPUs and for GPUs.


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Henk Sips

Modern computing devices like graphical processing units (GPUs) require high-performance algorithms to adhere to a few principles like regular computations on aligned data structures and the careful use of synchronization constructs. This is challenging for many current algorithms and especially for graph-based algorithms. Graphs generally exhibit an irregular connection structure that may even change during computation. This paper deals with the implementation on GPUs of a graph algorithm necessary for inclusion-based points-to analysis, an algorithm that is used within compilers to determine which variables each pointer in a program points to. It is a challenging algorithm because it is highly irregular, requires relatively little computation, and makes extensive modification of the underlying graph during the processing of that graph. The solution described in the paper is to modify the representation of the graph, modify the algorithm, and add GPU-based optimizations. Classical representation of points-to graphs may lead to excessive memory space since these graphs are very sparse. Alternative compressed sparse schemes add new edges that cannot be statically predicted, leading to efficiency problems on GPUs. The authors use wide sparse bit vectors, chosen because a good alignment exists with the resources of the GPU (such as bus and memory banks). As such, data is aligned, avoiding shared memory bank conflicts and thread divergence. The price, however, is the need for more memory to accommodate the representation, which seems to be a fair trade-off in this case. The modification of the graph algorithm relates to the parallel rule application in this algorithm. Parallel execution of the graph rewrite rules requires many fine-grained synchronizations in the graph data structure, which may lead to severe performance problems when done on a GPU. To solve these problems, the authors propose modified rewrite rules that require lower synchronization overhead by storing the reversed copy edge instead of the original copy edge in the graph. Finally, the authors describe a number of GPU-specific optimizations for the processing of these types of points-to graphs. In the section on experimental validation, the authors compare their GPU approach to an earlier derived multicore central processing unit (CPU) solution, and to a classical sequential solution. The results are that, on average, the GPU solution is slightly faster (seven times) than the multicore solution (six times), but requires 35 percent more programming effort, according to the authors (assuming that the intellectual work of rethinking the algorithm is not included). The main contribution of this paper is not so much the absolute speed that can be obtained from using a GPU with this specific algorithm, but rather that seemingly GPU-unfriendly algorithms like graph algorithms can be recast into GPU-friendly ones by careful reconsideration and redesign of the shape and representation of the data structures and the associated algorithms. Online Computing Reviews Service

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Published In

cover image ACM Conferences
PPoPP '12: Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming
February 2012
352 pages
  • cover image ACM SIGPLAN Notices
    ACM SIGPLAN Notices  Volume 47, Issue 8
    PPOPP '12
    August 2012
    334 pages
    Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 25 February 2012


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  1. CUDA
  2. GPU
  3. graph algorithms
  4. inclusion-based points-to analysis
  5. irregular programs


  • Research-article


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