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Clearing the clouds: a study of emerging scale-out workloads on modern hardware

Published: 03 March 2012 Publication History


Emerging scale-out workloads require extensive amounts of computational resources. However, data centers using modern server hardware face physical constraints in space and power, limiting further expansion and calling for improvements in the computational density per server and in the per-operation energy. Continuing to improve the computational resources of the cloud while staying within physical constraints mandates optimizing server efficiency to ensure that server hardware closely matches the needs of scale-out workloads.
In this work, we introduce CloudSuite, a benchmark suite of emerging scale-out workloads. We use performance counters on modern servers to study scale-out workloads, finding that today's predominant processor micro-architecture is inefficient for running these workloads. We find that inefficiency comes from the mismatch between the workload needs and modern processors, particularly in the organization of instruction and data memory systems and the processor core micro-architecture. Moreover, while today's predominant micro-architecture is inefficient when executing scale-out workloads, we find that continuing the current trends will further exacerbate the inefficiency in the future. In this work, we identify the key micro-architectural needs of scale-out workloads, calling for a change in the trajectory of server processors that would lead to improved computational density and power efficiency in data centers.


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    Published In

    cover image ACM SIGPLAN Notices
    ACM SIGPLAN Notices  Volume 47, Issue 4
    ASPLOS '12
    April 2012
    453 pages
    Issue’s Table of Contents
    • cover image ACM Conferences
      ASPLOS XVII: Proceedings of the seventeenth international conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems
      March 2012
      476 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 03 March 2012
    Published in SIGPLAN Volume 47, Issue 4

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    1. architectural evaluation
    2. cloud computing
    3. design insights
    4. workload characterization


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