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Improving data locality with loop transformations

Published: 01 July 1996 Publication History


In the past decade, processor speed has become significantly faster than memory speed. Small, fast cache memories are designed to overcome this discrepancy, but they are only effective when programs exhibit data locality. In the this article, we present compiler optimizations to improve data locality based on a simple yet accurate cost model. The model computes both temporal and spatial reuse of cache lines to find desirable loop organizations. The cost model drives the application of compound transformations consisting of loop permutation, loop fusion, loop distribution, and loop reversal. To validate our optimization strategy, we implemented our algorithms and ran experiments on a large collection of scientific programs and kernels. Experiments illustrate that for kernels our model and algorithm can select and achieve the best loop structure for a nest. For over 30 complete applications, we executed the original and transformed versions and simulated cache hit rates. We collected statistics about the inherent characteristics of these programs and our ability to improve their data locality. To our knowledge, these studies are the first of such breadth and depth. We found performance improvements were difficult to achieve bacause benchmark programs typically have high hit rates even for small data caches; however, our optimizations significanty improved several programs.


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  1. Improving data locality with loop transformations



    Noah S. Prywes

    When using a processor with a cache memory of limited size, the order of memory referencing in the program can affect the overall computation time. It would be too difficult for a programmer to consider this effect in composing a program. Instead, the authors propose incorporating in the compiler the program optimization needed to accelerate program execution for the cache memory of the processor where the program will be executed. The optimization consists of reordering the loops in the program. The paper presents cost models to evaluate the impact of reordering the loops. These are presented for four schemes for reordering loops—loop permutation, fusion, distribution, and reversal. A cost model for combining such schemes is also presented. Finally, results of experimental work are provided to assess the effectiveness of using the loop reordering cost models. Experimental data are presented for a number of programs and for respective cache memories and processors. The cache memories and processors are 64 KB cache direct-mapped, 32-byte cache line for the HP 715/50; 64 KB cache, four-way, 128-byte cache line for the RS/6000; and 8 KB cache, two-way, 32-byte cache line for the i 860. The programs were executed on the RS/6000 and HP 715/50 as well as simulated for different cache memories of the RS/6000 and i 860. The experimental result validates the cost model. The improvement in execution is significant for only some of the programs studied, and particularly for the use of smaller cache memory. The paper reports on important concepts and experiments, not only for use in compiler construction (as suggested), but also for the design of cache memories. Its readers should already be familiar with the concepts of data dependence and temporal reuse.

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    Published In

    cover image ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
    ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems  Volume 18, Issue 4
    July 1996
    164 pages
    Issue’s Table of Contents


    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 01 July 1996
    Published in TOPLAS Volume 18, Issue 4


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    Author Tags

    1. Cache
    2. compiler optimization
    3. data locality
    4. loop distribution
    5. loop fusion
    6. loop permutation
    7. loop reversal
    8. loop transformations
    9. microprocessors
    10. simulation


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