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Efficient generalized Hessenberg form and applications

Published: 03 May 2013 Publication History


This article proposes an efficient algorithm for reducing matrices to generalized Hessenberg form by unitary similarity, and recommends using it as a preprocessor in a variety of applications. To illustrate its usefulness, two cases from control theory are analyzed in detail: a solution procedure for a sequence of shifted linear systems with multiple right hand sides (e.g. evaluating the transfer function of a MIMO LTI dynamical system at many points) and computation of the staircase form. The proposed algorithm for the generalized Hessenberg reduction uses two levels of aggregation of Householder reflectors, thus allowing efficient BLAS 3-based computation. Another level of aggregation is introduced when solving many shifted systems by processing the shifts in batches. Numerical experiments confirm that the proposed methods have superior efficiency.


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  • (2022)Robust level-3 BLAS Inverse Iteration from the Hessenberg MatrixACM Transactions on Mathematical Software10.1145/354478948:3(1-30)Online publication date: 15-Jul-2022
  • (2018)Parallel Solver for Shifted Systems in a Hybrid CPU--GPU FrameworkSIAM Journal on Scientific Computing10.1137/17M114446540:4(C605-C633)Online publication date: 19-Jul-2018
  • (2017)Parallel and Heterogeneous $m$--Hessenberg--Triangular--Triangular ReductionSIAM Journal on Scientific Computing10.1137/15M104734939:1(C29-C47)Online publication date: 12-Jan-2017
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cover image ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software  Volume 39, Issue 3
April 2013
149 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 03 May 2013
Accepted: 01 December 2012
Revised: 01 April 2012
Received: 01 November 2011
Published in TOMS Volume 39, Issue 3


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  1. Hessenberg form
  2. shifted linear systems
  3. staircase algorithm
  4. transfer function


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  • (2022)Robust level-3 BLAS Inverse Iteration from the Hessenberg MatrixACM Transactions on Mathematical Software10.1145/354478948:3(1-30)Online publication date: 15-Jul-2022
  • (2018)Parallel Solver for Shifted Systems in a Hybrid CPU--GPU FrameworkSIAM Journal on Scientific Computing10.1137/17M114446540:4(C605-C633)Online publication date: 19-Jul-2018
  • (2017)Parallel and Heterogeneous $m$--Hessenberg--Triangular--Triangular ReductionSIAM Journal on Scientific Computing10.1137/15M104734939:1(C29-C47)Online publication date: 12-Jan-2017
  • (2015)Efficient algorithm for simultaneous reduction to the $$m$$-Hessenberg-triangular-triangular formBIT10.1007/s10543-014-0516-y55:3(677-703)Online publication date: 1-Sep-2015

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