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Verifiable auctions for online ad exchanges

Published: 27 August 2013 Publication History


This paper treats a critical component of the Web ecosystem that has so far received little attention in our community: ad exchanges. Ad exchanges run auctions to sell publishers' inventory-space on Web pages-to advertisers who want to display ads in those spaces. Unfortunately, under the status quo, the parties to an auction cannot check that the auction was carried out correctly, which raises the following more general question: how can we create verifiability in low-latency, high-frequency auctions where the parties do not know each other? We address this question with the design, prototype implementation, and experimental evaluation of VEX. VEX introduces a technique for efficient, privacy-preserving integer comparisons; couples these with careful protocol design; and adds little latency and tolerable overhead.


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cover image ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review  Volume 43, Issue 4
October 2013
595 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
  • cover image ACM Conferences
    SIGCOMM '13: Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2013 conference on SIGCOMM
    August 2013
    580 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 27 August 2013
Published in SIGCOMM-CCR Volume 43, Issue 4

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  1. ad exchanges
  2. online advertising
  3. verifiable auctions


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