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10.1145/2535557.2535560acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesConference Proceedingsacm-pubtype

Many-core architectures boost the pricing of basket options on adaptive sparse grids

Published: 18 November 2013 Publication History


In this work, we present a highly scalable approach for numerically solving the Black-Scholes PDE in order to price basket options. Our method is based on a spatially adaptive sparse-grid discretization with finite elements. Since we cannot unleash the compute capabilities of modern many-core chips such as GPUs using the complexity-optimal Up-Down method, we implemented an embarrassingly parallel direct method. This operator is paired with a distributed memory parallelization using MPI and we achieved very good scalability results compared to the standard Up-Down approach. Since we exploit all levels of the operator's parallelism, we are able to achieve nearly perfect strong scaling for the Black-Scholes solver. Our results show that typical problem sizes (5 dimensional basket options), require at least 4 NVIDIA K20X Kepler GPUs (inside a Cray XK7) in order to be faster than the Up-Down scheme running on 16 Intel Sandy Bridge cores (one box). On a Cray XK7 machine we outperform our highly parallel Up-Down implementation by 55X with respect to time to solution. Both results emphasize the competitiveness of our proposed operator.


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Cited By

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  • (2018)Pricing American Options under High-Dimensional Models with Recursive Adaptive Sparse Expectations*Journal of Financial Econometrics10.1093/jjfinec/nby024Online publication date: 31-Oct-2018
  • (2016)E-Fast & CloudPower: Towards High Performance Technical Analysis for Small InvestorsEconomics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services10.1007/978-3-319-43177-2_16(236-248)Online publication date: 20-Jul-2016
  • (undefined)Pricing American Options Under High-Dimensional Models with Recursive Adaptive Sparse ExpectationsSSRN Electronic Journal10.2139/ssrn.2867926

Index Terms

  1. Many-core architectures boost the pricing of basket options on adaptive sparse grids



    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image ACM Conferences
    WHPCF '13: Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on High Performance Computational Finance
    November 2013
    65 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 18 November 2013


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    Author Tags

    1. Black-Scholes
    2. GPGPU
    3. SIMD
    4. accelerators
    5. adaptivity
    6. finite elements
    7. many-core
    8. sparse grids


    • Research-article

    Funding Sources

    • Gauss Centre for Supercomputing




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    Cited By

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    • (2018)Pricing American Options under High-Dimensional Models with Recursive Adaptive Sparse Expectations*Journal of Financial Econometrics10.1093/jjfinec/nby024Online publication date: 31-Oct-2018
    • (2016)E-Fast & CloudPower: Towards High Performance Technical Analysis for Small InvestorsEconomics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services10.1007/978-3-319-43177-2_16(236-248)Online publication date: 20-Jul-2016
    • (undefined)Pricing American Options Under High-Dimensional Models with Recursive Adaptive Sparse ExpectationsSSRN Electronic Journal10.2139/ssrn.2867926

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