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Modeling Location-Based User Rating Profiles for Personalized Recommendation

Published: 01 April 2015 Publication History


This article proposes LA-LDA, a location-aware probabilistic generative model that exploits location-based ratings to model user profiles and produce recommendations. Most of the existing recommendation models do not consider the spatial information of users or items; however, LA-LDA supports three classes of location-based ratings, namely spatial user ratings for nonspatial items, nonspatial user ratings for spatial items, and spatial user ratings for spatial items. LA-LDA consists of two components, ULA-LDA and ILA-LDA, which are designed to take into account user and item location information, respectively. The component ULA-LDA explicitly incorporates and quantifies the influence from local public preferences to produce recommendations by considering user home locations, whereas the component ILA-LDA recommends items that are closer in both taste and travel distance to the querying users by capturing item co-occurrence patterns, as well as item location co-occurrence patterns. The two components of LA-LDA can be applied either separately or collectively, depending on the available types of location-based ratings. To demonstrate the applicability and flexibility of the LA-LDA model, we deploy it to both top-k recommendation and cold start recommendation scenarios. Experimental evidence on large-scale real-world data, including the data from Gowalla (a location-based social network), DoubanEvent (an event-based social network), and MovieLens (a movie recommendation system), reveal that LA-LDA models user profiles more accurately by outperforming existing recommendation models for top-k recommendation and the cold start problem.


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  1. Modeling Location-Based User Rating Profiles for Personalized Recommendation



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        cover image ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data
        ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data  Volume 9, Issue 3
        TKDD Special Issue (SIGKDD'13)
        April 2015
        313 pages
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        Association for Computing Machinery

        New York, NY, United States

        Publication History

        Published: 01 April 2015
        Accepted: 01 August 2014
        Revised: 01 July 2014
        Received: 01 March 2014
        Published in TKDD Volume 9, Issue 3


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        Author Tags

        1. User profile
        2. cold start
        3. location-based services
        4. probabilistic generative model
        5. recommender system


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        Funding Sources

        • National Natural Science Foundation of China
        • ARC Discovery Project)
        • 973 program
        • Australian Research Council (ARC)
        • Chinese National “111” project, “Attracting International Talents in Data Engineering and Knowledge Engineering Research.”


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