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10.1145/2982142.2982166acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesassetsConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Gesture-based Interaction for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities in India

Published: 23 October 2016 Publication History


Gesture-based interaction provides a multitude of benefits to individuals with disabilities, for example, enhancing social, motor and cognitive skills. However, applications that encourage self-efficacy by promoting a life-skill through simulations of real world scenarios are largely missing. We explore the benefits of using a gesture-based application for individuals with developmental disabilities. The context is a special school in New Delhi, Nai Disha, where we designed and developed an application, Kirana, that integrates arithmetic and social interaction to teach purchasing of items from a local grocery store. In our study, 18 participants with developmental disabilities, previously unable to visit a grocery store, used Kirana for three weeks. Our results indicate that gesture-based applications can teach a life skill and enable self-efficacy for individuals with developmental disabilities by breaking down complex tasks that require social, mathematical and decision-making skills.


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      ASSETS '16: Proceedings of the 18th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility
      October 2016
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      Published: 23 October 2016


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