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Client-Side Journaling for Durable Shared Storage

Published: 17 November 2017 Publication History


Hardware consolidation in the datacenter often leads to scalability bottlenecks from heavy utilization of critical resources, such as the storage and network bandwidth. Client-side caching on durable media is already applied at block level to reduce the storage backend load but has received criticism for added overhead, restricted sharing, and possible data loss at client crash. We introduce a journal to the kernel-level client of an object-based distributed filesystem to improve durability at high I/O performance and reduced shared resource utilization. Storage virtualization at the file interface achieves clear consistency semantics across data and metadata, supports native file sharing among clients, and provides flexible configuration of durable data staging at the host. Over a prototype that we have implemented, we experimentally quantify the performance and efficiency of the proposed Arion system in comparison to a production system. We run microbenchmarks and application-level workloads over a local cluster and a public cloud. We demonstrate reduced latency by 60% and improved performance up to 150% at reduced server network and disk bandwidth by 41% and 77%, respectively. The performance improvement reaches 92% for 16 relational databases as clients and gets as high as 11.3x with two key-value stores as clients.


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ACM Transactions on Storage  Volume 13, Issue 4
Special Issue on MSST 2017 and Regular Papers
November 2017
329 pages
  • Editor:
  • Sam H. Noh
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Publication History

Published: 17 November 2017
Accepted: 01 September 2017
Revised: 01 August 2017
Received: 01 December 2016
Published in TOS Volume 13, Issue 4


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  1. Cloud storage
  2. crash consistency
  3. distributed filesystems
  4. failure recovery
  5. scalability


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