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NG2C: pretenuring garbage collection with dynamic generations for HotSpot big data applications

Published: 18 June 2017 Publication History


Big Data applications suffer from unpredictable and unacceptably high pause times due to Garbage Collection (GC). This is the case in latency-sensitive applications such as on-line credit-card fraud detection, graph-based computing for analysis on social networks, etc. Such pauses compromise latency requirements of the whole application stack and result from applications' aggressive buffering/caching of data, exposing an ill-suited GC design, which assumes that most objects will die young and does not consider that applications hold large amounts of middle-lived data in memory.
To avoid such pauses, we propose NG2C, a new GC algorithm that combines pretenuring with user-defined dynamic generations. By being able to allocate objects into different generations, NG2C is able to group objects with similar lifetime profiles in the same generation. By allocating objects with similar lifetime profiles close to each other, i.e. in the same generation, we avoid object promotion (copying between generations) and heap fragmentation (which leads to heap compactions) both responsible for most of the duration of HotSpot GC pause times.
NG2C is implemented for the OpenJDK 8 HotSpot Java Virtual Machine, as an extension of the Garbage First GC. We evaluate NG2C using Cassandra, Lucene, and GraphChi with three different GCs: Garbage First (G1), Concurrent Mark Sweep (CMS), and NG2C. Results show that NG2C decreases the worst observable GC pause time by up to 94.8% for Cassandra, 85.0% for Lucene and 96.45% for GraphChi, when compared to current collectors (G1 and CMS). In addition, NG2c has no negative impact on application throughput or memory usage.


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  1. NG2C: pretenuring garbage collection with dynamic generations for HotSpot big data applications



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cover image ACM SIGPLAN Notices
ACM SIGPLAN Notices  Volume 52, Issue 9
ISMM '17
September 2017
127 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
  • cover image ACM Conferences
    ISMM 2017: Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Memory Management
    June 2017
    127 pages
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Published: 18 June 2017
Published in SIGPLAN Volume 52, Issue 9

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