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Abstract Non-Interference: A Unifying Framework for Weakening Information-flow

Published: 05 February 2018 Publication History


Non-interference happens when some elements of a dynamic system do not interfere, i.e., do not affect, other elements in the same system. Originally introduced in language-based security, non-interference means that the manipulation of private information has no effect on public observations of data. In this article, we introduce abstract non-interference as a weakening of non-interference by abstract interpretation. Abstract non-interference is parametric on which private information we want to protect and which are the observational capabilities of the external observer, i.e., what the attacker can observe of a computation and of the data manipulated during the computation. This allows us to model a variety of situations in information-flow security, where the security of a system can be mastered by controlling the degree of precision of the strongest harmless attacker and the properties that are potentially leaked in case of successful attack.


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ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security  Volume 21, Issue 2
May 2018
159 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 05 February 2018
Accepted: 01 December 2017
Revised: 01 September 2017
Received: 01 May 2017
Published in TOPS Volume 21, Issue 2


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  1. Abstract interpretation
  2. abstract domains
  3. closure operators
  4. language-based security
  5. non-interference
  6. program analysis
  7. semantics


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