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Empath-D: VR-based Empathetic App Design for Accessibility

Published: 10 June 2018 Publication History


With app-based interaction increasingly permeating all aspects of daily living, it is essential to ensure that apps are designed to be inclusive and are usable by a wider audience such as the elderly, with various impairments (e.g., visual, audio and motor). We propose Empath-D, a system that fosters empathetic design, by allowing app designers, in-situ, to rapidly evaluate the usability of their apps, from the perspective of impaired users. To provide a truly authentic experience, Empath-D carefully orchestrates the interaction between a smartphone and a VR device, allowing the user to experience simulated impairments in a virtual world while interacting naturally with the app, using a real smartphone. By carefully orchestrating the VR-smartphone interaction, Empath-D tackles challenges such as preserving low-latency app interaction, accurate visualization of hand movement and low-overhead perturbation of I/O streams. Experimental results show that user interaction with Empath-D is comparable (both in accuracy and user perception) to real-world app usage, and that it can simulate impairment effects as effectively as a custom hardware simulator.


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MobiSys '18: Proceedings of the 16th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services
June 2018
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 10 June 2018


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  1. accessibility
  2. distributed user interfaces
  3. empathetic design
  4. mobile design
  5. multi-device
  6. virtual reality


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