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10.1145/3234253.3234296acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesvricConference Proceedingsconference-collections

A Comparative Study on Conventional versus Immersive Service Prototyping (VR, AR, MR)

Published: 04 April 2018 Publication History


Product prototyping, through the use of immersive technologies, has demonstrated its huge potential enabling co-creative exploration of different usage scenarios and evaluation of the User eXperience. It is already an extremely relevant and valuable activity in many industries and revealed as an essential element of experience design. Service prototyping is a new prominent progressive process used within service innovation intended to improve the service experience and quality while accelerating the service development process. Different types of service prototypes can be used to encompass all the different service elements throughout the service design and engineering processes. This paper presents a comparative study between the conventional and immersive service prototyping This comparison encompasses application, advantages and disadvantages of these different service prototyping. Several use cases of immersive service prototyping, either based on Virtual, Augmented or Mixed Reality technologies, are presented. This study aims to improve the body of knowledge on the use of immersive service prototyping. This is intended to help service designer understand what can be done with immersive service prototyping, and increase awareness on service prototyping. The main objective is to provide a guidance to service designers for selecting the most appropriate immersive service prototyping techniques per each case specificity.


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  1. A Comparative Study on Conventional versus Immersive Service Prototyping (VR, AR, MR)



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    VRIC '18: Proceedings of the Virtual Reality International Conference - Laval Virtual
    April 2018
    173 pages
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    Published: 04 April 2018


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    1. Augmented Reality
    2. Immersive Applications
    3. Immersive Service Prototyping
    4. Mixed Reality
    5. Service Innovation
    6. Service Prototyping
    7. Virtual Reality
    8. eXtended Reality


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