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Participatory video methods in UX: sharing power with users to gain insights into everyday life

Published: 01 October 2018 Publication History


As technologies proliferate into all aspects of daily life, UX practitioners have the ability and responsibility to engage in research to help organizations better understand people's needs. We argue that UX practitioners have an ethical commitment to deploy methods that consciously shift power to create a more equitable relationship between researcher and participants. This article offers participatory video as a method for UX practitioners that democratizes the design process and creates rich visual data. We detail two cases of participatory video methods and how they were used to explore the potential of participatory methods in UX.


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  1. Participatory video methods in UX: sharing power with users to gain insights into everyday life



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    Communication Design Quarterly  Volume 6, Issue 2
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 01 October 2018
    Published in SIGDOC-CDQ Volume 6, Issue 2

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