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10.1145/3290605.3300340acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PageschiConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Behavioural Biometrics in VR: Identifying People from Body Motion and Relations in Virtual Reality

Published: 02 May 2019 Publication History


Every person is unique, with individual behavioural characteristics: how one moves, coordinates, and uses their body. In this paper we investigate body motion as behavioural biometrics for virtual reality. In particular, we look into which behaviour is suitable to identify a user. This is valuable in situations where multiple people use a virtual reality environment in parallel, for example in the context of authentication or to adapt the VR environment to users' preferences. We present a user study (N=22) where people perform controlled VR tasks (pointing, grabbing, walking, typing), monitoring their head, hand, and eye motion data over two sessions. These body segments can be arbitrarily combined into body relations, and we found that these movements and their combination lead to characteristic behavioural patterns. We present an extensive analysis of which motion/relation is useful to identify users in which tasks using classification methods. Our findings are beneficial for researchers and practitioners alike who aim to build novel adaptive and secure user interfaces in virtual reality.

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  1. Behavioural Biometrics in VR: Identifying People from Body Motion and Relations in Virtual Reality



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      1. adaptive uis
      2. behavioural biometrics
      3. motion
      4. proprioception
      5. relation
      6. virtual reality


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