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TunnelScatter: Low Power Communication for Sensor Tags using Tunnel Diodes

Published: 11 October 2019 Publication History

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NOTE FROM ACM: This work was published in the ACM Digital Library on October 11, 2019 with the second batch of MobiCom '19 papers. The current publication date of August 5th represents the date in which the first batch of MobiCom papers was loaded to the ACMDL. Due to technical limitations, ACM cannot publish more than one publication date on a proceedings record. Once this is rectified in the very near future, this work will display its true publication date of October 11, 2019.


Due to extremely low power consumption, backscatter has become the transmission mechanism of choice for battery-free devices that operate on harvested energy. However, a limitation of recent backscatter systems is that the communication range scales with the strength of the ambient carrier signal~(ACS). This means that to achieve a long-range, a backscatter tag needs to reflect a strong ACS, which in practice means that it needs to be close to an ACS emitter. We present TunnelScatter, a mechanism that overcomes this limitation. TunnelScatter uses a tunnel diode-based radio frequency oscillator to enable transmissions when there is no ACS, and the same oscillator as a reflection amplifier to support backscatter transmissions when the ACS is weak. Our results show that even without an ACS, TunnelScatter is able to transmit through several walls covering a distance of 18m while consuming a peak biasing power of \SI57 \micro\watt. Based on TunnelScatter, we design battery-free sensor tags, called TunnelTags, that can sense physical phenomena and transmit them using the TunnelScatter mechanism.


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  1. backscatter
  2. battery-free
  3. energy harvesting
  4. gesture recognition
  5. light sensing
  6. tunnel diodes


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