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Evaluating the Effects of Missing Values and Mixed Data Types on Social Sequence Clustering Using t-SNE Visualization

Published: 06 March 2019 Publication History


The goal of this work is to investigate the impact of missing values in clustering joint categorical social sequences. Identifying patterns in sociodemographic longitudinal data is important in a number of social science settings. However, performing analytical operations, such as clustering on life course trajectories, is challenging due to the categorical and multidimensional nature of the data, their mixed data types, and corruption by missing and inconsistent values. Data quality issues were investigated previously on single variable sequences. To understand their effects on multivariate sequence analysis, we employ a dataset of mixed data types and missing values, a dissimilarity measure designed for joint categorical sequence data, together with dimensionality reduction methodologies in a systematic design of sequence clustering experiments. Given the categorical nature of our data, we employ an “edit” distance using optimal matching. Because each data record has multiple variables of different types, we investigate the impact of mixing these variables in a single dissimilarity measure. Between variables with binary values and those with multiple nominal values, we find that the ability to overcome missing data problems is more difficult in the nominal domain than in the binary domain. Additionally, alignment of leading missing values can result in systematic biases in dissimilarity matrices and subsequently introduce both artificial clusters and unrealistic interpretations of associated data domains. We demonstrate the usage of t-distributed stochastic neighborhood embedding to visually guide mitigation of such biases by tuning the missing value substitution cost parameter or determining an optimal sequence span.

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  1. Evaluating the Effects of Missing Values and Mixed Data Types on Social Sequence Clustering Using t-SNE Visualization



        Jonathan P. E. Hodgson

        The authors discuss how one can compensate for missing values when clustering joint categorical sequences. For example, one might have a set of sequences with both nominal values, such as family size, and binary values, for example, marriage status. Usually such sequences will exhibit missing values; however, discarding these sequences will result in too few sequences to allow valid conclusions. Some missing values can be inferred-for example, age-but often this is not the case. The authors consider various ways to address missing values. The principal method used is the idea of an edit distance, which measures the number and size of the changes required to edit one sequence to another. In the case where the entries in the sequence consist of multiple values, one can use the average of the edit distances for each category. Given a distance, one can proceed to infer a set of clusters of "like" sequences. Using a study of income dynamics as an exemplar exhibiting both binary and nominal values, the authors provide a detailed description of the process. They give experimental results comparing various choices for distance. The income dynamics sequences provide sufficient variety to allow several measures for distance. By using dimension reduction techniques, the authors are able to provide visual representations of the clusters corresponding to the distance choices. The paper is a useful guide to the available techniques, with sufficient illustrative examples so that readers can apply the ideas.

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        Published In

        cover image Journal of Data and Information Quality
        Journal of Data and Information Quality  Volume 11, Issue 2
        On the Horizon, Experience Paper and Regular Papers
        June 2019
        66 pages
        Issue’s Table of Contents
        © 2019 Association for Computing Machinery. ACM acknowledges that this contribution was authored or co-authored by an employee, contractor or affiliate of the United States government. As such, the United States Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free right to publish or reproduce this article, or to allow others to do so, for Government purposes only.


        Association for Computing Machinery

        New York, NY, United States

        Publication History

        Published: 06 March 2019
        Accepted: 01 December 2018
        Revised: 01 October 2018
        Received: 01 May 2018
        Published in JDIQ Volume 11, Issue 2


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        Author Tags

        1. Joint sequence analysis
        2. data quality
        3. dimensionality reduction
        4. life trajectories
        5. missing values
        6. optimal matching
        7. t-SNE
        8. time series clustering


        • Research-article
        • Research
        • Refereed

        Funding Sources

        • U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science


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        • (2022)What Makes You Hold on to That Old Car? Joint Insights From Machine Learning and Multinomial Logit on Vehicle-Level Transaction DecisionsFrontiers in Future Transportation10.3389/ffutr.2022.8946543Online publication date: 4-Jul-2022
        • (2022)Sequence analysis: Its past, present, and futureSocial Science Research10.1016/j.ssresearch.2022.102772107(102772)Online publication date: Sep-2022
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